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Experience description:

When I was almost 4 yrs old, my maternal grandmother (who lived almost 1,000 miles away), woke me up by lifting me from my bed. I was literally floating in the air. I knew who she was immediately by spiritual connection without knowing mentally who she was because I had only seen her a handful of times. She was transparent but shiny like a bunch of tiny lights almost like bright static. 

My first emotion was complete terror at the feeling of being suspended in the air. (I STILL have nightmares about that particular sensation... but I also have wonderful dreams about the sensation.)

She spoke to me and said 'Don't be afraid, Wendi-Bird.'

I closed my eyes very tightly and she rocked me in her arms.  She sang 'Rock-a-bye Baby' to me.

The sensation of being rocked that way in mid air was very disconcerting.  At the same time, I understood that the experience was very special and I was to keep that sensation as a foundation for the remainder of my life.  It was like floating on a gently rolling ocean. 

**Side-note, when I was 43 and going through intense spiritual healing, I was with a friend on a remote beach. She was in the hotel while I was in the water literally yelling at God for some things. After I was done with our conversation, I laid down on top of the waves and fell asleep.  She saw from the hotel window I was not responding to her yelling for me and came to get me.  She said I was fast asleep on my back with my toes in the air. I was actually in a state of spiritual ecstasy beyond words. I was then aware of hearing my physical body snoring - yep! there on the waves I was snoring as soundly as I do in bed!!!

That was the same body sensation I had when my grandmother was rocking me that night.

Grandma then told me she loved me and gently laid me back in bed. 

The next morning I woke up when the phone rang in the kitchen.  My mother answered it, but I could not hear anything.  A short time later she came down the hallway passing by my bedroom.  She had a blank expression and was not crying or saying a word. 

I said, 'Mommy? Did grandma die last night?'

'How did you know?' my mom asked.

'Because she came to see me last night!'

Grandma had a sudden heart attack in the middle of the night.  She was not ill, so the family was in shock at her passing. There was no way I could have known about her death.  And I found out when I was 18 that she called me this pet name 'Wendi-Bird' in a personal poem she wrote to me the day I was born - to be read by me when I turned 18. 

This was my first experience in this lifetime with death. It gave me the knowing about life-after-life that is the foundation of my time here for this current life. I have zero doubt in my experience. My mom confirms my experience to family when I share it. For me, death has always been just an exchange of one car (body) for a different one.  So, while I have the natural desire to keep my body from experiencing pain, and I have a spiritual desire to keep others from experiencing pain due to my passing, I have NEVER (in this lifetime) experienced fear of death.  Even in the situations where others were trying to kill me (a few different times!), I was 'afraid' they would succeed - in that I knew my tasks here were not done and I had more work to do before I left. But I never felt fear for the actual death even itself.  In fact, I am looking forward to my spiritual 'retirement' after this life!  ((I know I will see it broader when I am re-absorbed into our wholeness, but I still plan on asking for a break before I return for a few thousand rounds of horseback riding! )))

Was this experience difficult to express in words? No

Did you ONLY sense an awareness of presence of the deceased without actually seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling them?          No

Did you hear the deceased or hear something associated with the deceased?   Yes

          Describe what you heard, how clearly you heard it and what was communicated:     It was VERY clear in spirit - not sure about ears. 'Don't be afraid, Wendi-Bird.' Sang to me Rock-A-Bye Baby. 'I love you.'

          Did the voice or sound seem to originate externally or outside of you, inside you, or did you not hear a voice or sound, but had a sense of knowing what was communicated?    Outside of me, but directly with me only a few inches from my face.

          If you heard a voice or sound, was it similar or dissimilar from the voice or sound the deceased made when they were alive?        I do not remember what grandma sounded like because I only met her as a baby. But I know it was her voice. Can't explain it.

          Is there any possibility what you heard was from any other source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?      No. Not a single chance. Zero.

          Was there any possible impairment to your hearing at the time of the experience?     No. I do have limited auditory memory, but that all plays internally to me. This was external.

Did you feel a touch or experience any physical contact from the deceased?   Yes

Lifted out of my bed and rocked.

Was the touch familiar or unfamiliar? Unfamiliar at the time because it was a type of floating rather than physical arms holding me. The rolling was like being on the waves in motion.

          Was anything communicated by the touch? I felt safe and protected.

Is there any possibility what you felt was from any other source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?      None at all.

Did you see the deceased?       Yes

She looked like her photo I now have when she was in her 20's. She did not look like the photos of her holding me as a baby.  But her body was like a living collection of brightly lit (but not blinding) static light. She was beautiful.

How clearly did the deceased appear?            She was VERY clear to me in actually being there. But she was like a collection of static lights all vibrating at the same frequency.

How much of the deceased did you see?       Part. I saw her shoulders, head, and neck. It was the same view a child has when being held face up in a rocking position. Close to the chest.  Looking up into her face.

Did the deceased appear or not appear to be the age at which they died? Much younger. She looked like her 20's instead of 50's.

How healthy did the deceased appear to be?           She was an alcoholic. But she was in solid health as far as she let anyone know.

Is there any possibility what you saw was from any other source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?       None at all. No TV in my room or radio. There was nothing that could have created this artificially.

Did you smell a distinct smell, scent, fragrance or odor associated with the deceased?       No

How long did the experience last?      Long enough for her to sing Rock-A-Bye Baby to me.

Was the beginning and end of the experience gradual or more sudden?          Sudden. It shocked me to be picked up from my bed without feeling solid arms holding me. It ended as she returned me to my bed.

Could you sense the emotions or mood of the deceased?         Yes

She was full of tender love and compassion. I felt a sorrow from her that told me she was sorry she had to go before she got to know me and be a grandmother I would remember. But I felt a total joy from her that she knew she had just given me a gift that was more precious than spending a thousand years physically by my side.  She knew I understood. She has been a guardian in spirit for me since that day.  And it opened the door to letting me communicate with the other side.

Did the deceased give you information you did not previously know? She called me a nickname that I had no way to know about until I was 18.  It was obvious she was a ghost and had died. I knew it before my mom told me. I told my mom before she even cried right after getting the phone call in the morning.  I can't answer questions 13,14, 15 because I was too young to form any opinions.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience?         Experience was definitely real

          Please explain why you view the reality of your experience as real or not real:   I was too young to make it up. My mother confirms her side of the event. It has always been my reality. I was never given the chance to doubt it due to my young age when it happened.

          Was the experience dream like in any way?  No      

Describe in detail your feelings/emotions during the experience:          Sudden terror at the sensation of being lifted from my bed. Then I felt loved at a deep level.  I wanted to be put down and closed my eyes tight after I saw my grandma because I had motion sickness from her rocking me.  I was always a motion sick person.  But I was happy she came to see me.

Was there any emotional healing in any way following the experience?          Uncertain

For me, the experience became my spiritual foundation for experiencing this lifetime.  But I have shared my experience with others when led to do so, and I think it may bring them emotional healing.

What was the best and worst part of your experience?    Worst part - my initial terror of the physical sensation of being lifted out of my bed.

Best part - ALL THE REST!  My entire life, my service to others, my relationship with Star Beings and those on the other side, and those in different energy states (Orb People, Tree People, Cloud People), my ability to fearlessly communicate with our Source / God / Creator... the Being that every bit of energy and life and potential are all inside of..  Everything about love, light, and life is the best part.

Has your life changed specifically as a result of your experience?      Yes                      Describe:     Again, my entire life is build on the foundational facts my grandmother gave me that night. I would be a totally different person had she not done that. Everything I am and continue to become has this experience as my baseline.   

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience? Yes    It was not really a change because I was too young to have formed any opinions. But after witnessing the attitudes of other humans, I know this experience dramatically altered the way I would have viewed things.

Did the experience give you any spiritual understandings such as life, death, afterlife, God, etc.?         Yes    For me, I know for a FACT that physical death is only a change of energy manifestation. I know for a FACT that the body is just a molecular vehicle used by energy.  I know for a FACT that sometimes people who are alive are visited by those who have passed over. And I know for a FACT that existence is not defined by my individual perception of it.

Death Compacts are when two or more living people promise among themselves that whoever dies first will try to contact the other(s).  Have you ever made such a compact?         Yes

I did this with a fiance who died in a plane crash when he was 24 and I was 20.  I told him two months before the event that I saw his death in that exact plane. It happened as I said it would. He told me he would visit me if there was life on the other side.  About six months later I had a dream which was not a dream.  He visited with me and he told me about his experience dying. His plane had hit a microburst and did a nosedive. He said he remembered feeling the plane hit it and go nose down, but then he was still in the air and looking at the plane stuck nose first in the ground. He thought 'Sh*t! Now I have to buy a new plane!!!'  And then he thought 'Oh, crap. I am dead.'

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?        Yes My mother confirms I told her about Grandmother seeing me the night she died.

What emotions did you feel during the experience?         It was just information to me. It was the same emotion I had when mom told me she was going to the store and I was to be good while she was gone. I had no concept of grief or loss.   I was happy she come to visit me.  I was happy I got to tell my mommy that I saw her. But I did not understand why my mommy started crying after I told her.

Was the experience witnessed or experienced by others?         No

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?  No

Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?    No

Did you become aware of future events?      No

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?           Yes

Too many to list. I have lived an entire life predicting things and helping others. I work with Star Beings. I am trying to write a book about those lessons.  The experience my grandmother gifted to me set the foundation of service to others for the rest of this life.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?          No

Did you meet or see any other beings other than the deceased?          No

Did you see a light?        Yes

Her spirit body looked like it was a formed 'cloud' of tiny lit static. Not bright like physical light. But very bright in a contained way. I think of it like Spirit-cells.

Did any part of your experience seem to occur in a place other than the location described above?        No

Have you shared this experience with others?      

Yes    I have shared this with many throughout my life. One person tried to convince me it was a demon who came to me that night.  NOT!!!!  Most people just listen and add it as information to their personal inventory.  There have been a handful of people who had recently lost someone who needed to hear my experience. They were physically relieved to hear from someone who knew about this subject from a standpoint of fact rather than speculation.

Have you shared this experience formally or informally with any other researcher or web site?   Uncertain

I share it with everyone I can. Some websites I only visit a few times. I have no idea who has heard my story by now.  No one has ever formally researched it though or asked about it.

 Is there anything else you would like to add regarding your experience?          An experience of a child who is not yet even four years old is about as truthful as you can get.  Even the adult version of me can't rationalize the event away.  I have tried!!!!!  My truth is my truth. I love science and always ask 'Why?' The answer for this experience came to me from the One who created me, the One I am inside of... 'Why? Because I needed you to experience this. It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with Me.'

Were there any associated medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience? No

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?          No 

Did you ever in your life have a near-death experience, out of body experience or other spiritual event?    Yes 

Too many to list.  My psychic gifts were hijacked when I was 5 as I was trained under the MK-Ultra Tampa program.  Not good at all.  I was born into this life sharing my body with a Star Being who is a Watcher. That was to record what was done to me so they could make a formal decision with the Star Nations regarding their work with Humans.   I was blessed to actually talk with God when I was 8 yrs old and shown who God is. 

This is the first chapter of the book I am trying to write 'Spiritual Lessons of a Star Being'

Asheoma had his own private relationship with his Creator; however, he refrained from indoctrination.  While always willing to discuss spiritual matters with me, he refused to hand me answers.  He believed I would learn more through personal exploration of my questions. 

One day, I approached the church pastor with the following query:

ME: 'God knows everything, right?'

PASTOR: 'That is correct.'

ME: 'So God knew Lucifer would turn evil?'

PASTOR: 'I suppose that is true.'

ME: 'So why did God create the devil?'

PASTOR: 'Maybe you should ask God that question.'

As an autistic eight-year-old, I took the pastor's advice quite literally.  

Wide awake in bed, I doubted God's ownership of a telephone.  And much to my brother's disappointment, Jesus had indeed failed to materialize behind the pulpit.  Meeting in person did not appear to be an option.  At a loss, I reluctantly asked Asheoma how anyone could ask God a question. 

Asheoma enveloped me in the sweetest love I have ever known. It is the type of love I hear described by many who have had near-death experiences.  And while his passion for the Socratic method was obvious, he never made me feel stupid or foolish for asking a question.

Other Star Beings had mentored Asheoma throughout his spiritual journey.  Asheoma explained that Zeta called God 'Source.'  They do not see God as an external being, hovering on a cloud, eagerly waiting to hurl lightning-bolts; instead, God is understood to be the Source of everything.  Rather than Source being outside the creation, everything created is inside Source.     While I admit to having quite the imagination, I was unable to wrap my mind around this concept.  For me to communicate with my Creator, Asheoma helped introduce God to me.

There are only a handful of life experiences a person holds onto, guarding them with the fervor of  Frodo Baggins with his ring.  What happened to me that night was the pinnacle experience that laid my spiritual foundation.  It is my ring.

'God, I don't know how to talk to you.  I am not even sure who you are.  Can you show me who you are?'

Flat on my bed, car lights winding their way across the bedroom walls, my electrified senses became detached from one another.  Suburban sounds flanked to the left, light and color to the right. Tantalizing wafts of mom's late-night popcorn danced unfettered in self-actualized ribbons.  Every sense---a fully functioning organ in its own right. I studied the nature of my body and marveled at its method of experiencing this external world. One by one, each sense was marched before me for detailed inspection, subsequently muted, and then unceremoniously dismissed.

Although I understood that the universe still existed, I was unable to experience any of it.  My isolated reality was black and soundless.  It was an experience of complete sensory deprivation.  My ego, my ability to have senses and experiences, was inside a living creation that I could no longer touch.  Fear and frustration were my only remaining companions.  I was in hell.

After what felt like eternity, fear was replaced by the strangest curiosity:  without actually being anyone, I was somehow still present, but only as a witness. 

The moment I had this thought, the concept of being an 'I' vanished.  The shell of personal experience dissolved.  The witnessing continued, but it was not done as an individual.  The sensation was of being an 'I' on the inside of a single Being who held infinite awareness.  That awareness was flooded with compassion and understanding for that tiny cell that held me.  Simultaneously, the same love was present for all other cells contained within the Whole.

Time was transmuted into a state of awareness.  What we experience as time flattened into a binary state of off or on.  Awareness was God/Source paying attention.  That attention created linear reality for the thing being observed.  I say 'thing' because that is the only way to describe what it was that held Source's attention.  Instead of being a single person or object, it was a collection of objects, rules, methods, techniques, matter, anti-energy, time as we experience it, and all sorts of emotions and such.  If Source was holding one book from an infinite library inside itself, everything inside the book was dependent on Source actually looking at it for the book to have a reality of its own.  That attention could drill down into a particular chapter and verse.  But at the same time, Source could pay attention to multiple books and chapters, mixing and matching whatever was wanted in any way desired.  Every simultaneously observed combination defined a single point of awareness.

Even though the awareness of Source could pause, fast-forward, and rewind freely, every miniature awareness contained inside the Whole awareness, experienced time without disruption.  Those inside experienced a reality dependent on Source's desired attention. 

After experiencing the wonder and joy of this state, I was catapulted into a deep sense of isolation.  It was an aloneness that encapsulated all awareness like a thin skin.  It was a comprehension of nothing existing on the outside.  Everything that could be witnessed or experienced was confined to internal awareness.  Stimulation, movement, and creation had to be self-actualized.  Incomprehensible loneliness flooded my witnessing.

Thinking there was no deeper sadness, I asked, 'What if You never existed?'

I could attempt an image at this point, or introduce a chapter break.  I could go outside and run in circles without stopping.  I could do anything and everything a human could do, but I will never... EVER... be able to relay the experience of what happened next.  These words are not even a shadow of convection, but it is the best I can do.

Miraculously, I was still able to witness this experience. 

As if turning off a light, the Whole and everything contained inside vanished.  Except, it was not that It was gone... It, the I AM, had never existed.

This witnessing of what I thought was a void was soul shattering. 

Again, my words fall grievously short as even witnessing and void vanished.

My experience became one where even the void could never exist.  A void was an absence of something or someone.  A void could be defined, even if it was only a placeholder.  Here, nothing ever was or could ever be.  The Whole was not just gone, but could never exist.  What I thought of as void, the external of God/Source/the Whole, became to my understanding a situation that was void of void itself.

The anguish I experienced was, also, without words.

Just as it felt like I had collapsed within this black hole, a single point of Light burst itself into a state of being!

IT was a single photon.  The void that could not even have a name was external to that tiny dot of purity.  IT was everything.

That tiny dot of light instantaneously exploded into the totality of awareness, creativity, potential, sensory ability, and perception. 

With the rushing of life, all my senses were restored.  Face damp, my pillow drenched with tears, I lay flat on my back looking past the popcorn ceiling. Sincere joy and humility washed over me.  At the same time, I was keenly aware that my entire existence was only due to Source paying attention to me.  The moment Source removed that attention from me, I would cease to exist.  The very fabric of my soul was created by the awareness of God; God's vibrations were the threads.

That day something inside me irrevocably changed.  There is a lot to be said about experiential learning. The miracle of being gifted awareness inside Source left me without words.

Asheoma frequently references God as 'Source, who is All.'  In the years that followed, he would remind me of what I experienced on that day.  Whenever I doubted my experience and asked him to tell me who God was, Asheoma always answered: 'Source is All.  All points are One.  All time is now.'

This experience has guided my life and my interactions with others. However, Asheoma still corrects me whenever I let my ego get bigger than the truth. One of the most dangerous pitfalls is in thinking that because we are made of God, we are God. This is twisting the truth of God into a lie. 

This one question to my pastor unlocked the door to a lifetime of spiritual growth. Even though God gifted my soul with an experience of ultimate truth, my mind questioned everything else.  I wanted to understand how (all within Source) good and evil existed.  Why did God make certain choices allowing creation to become what it is?  And I still wanted my answer as to why God created the devil!

This is 100% a true event in my life.  It is one of countless events.

Did the questions asked and information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?                    Yes

Please offer any suggestions you may have to improve this questionnaire.          Need to have a way of recording answers for situations where the event happened to a young child.  I could not answer some questions because my opinions about life were not even formed yet. So the experience could not change what was not there.