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1905. Penny W ADC 3/10/2025. Exceptional Experience. From the United Kingdom. He told me straight away, 'Remember the number 16-80-08 and go and tell your mother, it’s to do with the hospital visit you both had with me, she will know.' When I awoke I profoundly remembered what he told me, feeling too like I had not just dreamed of him but seen him.
ADC dream with verified information she did not previously know.

1904. John-Clement G ADC 3/1/2025. She needs no aid to move, so different than when she was alive. We walk together through the old house, just like it used to be. At the pinnacle of our life there. I begin to ask more questions, centered around Jesus. I ask if he is there too, and if Christianity is all true, or at least partially true. She simply tells me, 'Stay on this path, and one day you will find out on your own.'
ADC dream from deceased grandmother.

1903. Phil C ADCs 2/24/2025. On the night of February 17, I was asleep, lying on my side with my back to the room. Suddenly, I felt a strong tug—three or four times—pulling on my shoulders, as if someone was trying to wake me up and get me to roll over. It felt physical and real. I woke up feeling completely alert but didn’t think much of it at the time and went back to sleep.
ADCs from deceased son who died by suicide.

1902. Mary D ADC 12/12/2024. From Canada As I was coming awake, I was aware of the silhouette of my husband at the bottom of the bed, standing. Crystal beads of light was the silhouette. I remember thinking,,, oh, my, Punkin, you have put weight back on, as he was so thin when he I fully awoke, it was gone. I wish to this day, it had lasted longer.
ADC from deceased husband.

1901. Jose G ADC 11/12/2024. Willie never spoke out loud. Instead, he communicated with me telepathically, and I sensed he was hiding his mouth because of the blood. I told him how much I missed and loved him, and he acknowledged that he knew. It felt like he could see everything—my thoughts, my emotions, my life. He then asked me to deliver a message to Tony, to tell him to call his mom. I tried to explain that I hadn’t been in contact with Tony since the funeral, that I didn’t know how to reach him, but Willie kept pulling away until he disappeared around a corner.
ADC dream with a message to be delivered.

1900. Val ADCs 11/4/2024. From Germany, translated to English by Google The last time I met my father was in 2021 in a meditation. In my mind I was standing in a yard, looking over at him, he was sitting on a chair on a green area and looking over at me. He seemed healthy and was much younger
Several ADCs from deceased father.

1899. Callum L ADC 10/17/2024. She was holding my hand in hers. She was 82 when she died but looked about 40 years of age now. But I recognized her. She greeted me, told me she loved me and that she was now in a place with the family she loved. She told me she was happy, at peace, and back to her normal self. She was in a wonderful place.
ADC from deceased grandmother.

1898. Katharine S ADC 10/17/2024. It did feel like he was more present than usual. That night, as I was falling asleep, I immediately woke up when I heard in my head, very clearly, Barbra Streisand singing the classic song from Yentl, 'papa, can you hear me?'
ADC from deceased father.

1897. Vergil C ADC 10/9/2024. I felt a huge surge of electricity well up inside of my brain and upper back. The sensation itself felt like a gas bubble rising from beneath a huge body of water. As the energy intensified, like a bubble making its way to the surface and into the light, multiple images of my grandmother overtook my visual memory;
ADC from deceased grandmother, then STE 3 days later. Both experiences occurred less than one week ago.

1896. Rachel N ADC 10/6/2024. My father met me at a baseball stadium. We were seated in the top row of the bleachers, high up, directly in front of a huge teleprompter. He explained to me that he did the best that he could. I kept questioning him. His head was down and he seemed regretful and just kept saying he did his best.
ADC dream with deceased father two days after his death.

1895. Lidwien O ADCs 9/23/2024. There was no image of the rabbit, not even a vague image or any physical indication of there being our bunny. But I knew it was her. I was just lying there quite stunned, but before I could even so much as think, bunny immediately 'spoke' to me 'I’ve gotta go now'. It was a conveyance of words or meaning, rather. There was no sound at all. Also, for a reason totally unknown to me, I knew immediately what she meant.
ADC from beloved pet rabbit at apparent time of death.

1894. Alison S ADCs 9/23/2024. My iPhone has 19 months of signs on it with pics and screenshots she also sent me the password to her phone about 1 month after her passing in a dream and it popped in my head it turned out to be her password which we could not figure out when she passed.
ADCs from deceased daughter.

1893. James M ADC 9/3/2024. I feel my soul or consciousness being pulled out of my body through my chest by a force that can only be described as being pulled by magnetic attraction or by the suction of a vacuum. This force was so strong it felt as if there was no way to resist its pull. I had experienced this same force in a dream when I relived my death in one of my past lives and my soul was pulled into a vortex in the same manner.
ADC dream from his father and his friend.

1892. Bruce G ADC 8/29/2024. I haven't seen the family nor my old girlfriend in over 2 years or had any information about the family during this time. I say hi and ask him how he is doing knowing full well that he is dying. I didn't know what say to him. We briefly talk to each other and while still smiling at me he says everything is fine.
ADC dream of father of former girlfriend at time of the father’s death.

1891. Clara F ADC 8/18/2024. From the United Kingdom. In the blink of an eye, everything changed. I was in the most beyond-my-wildest-dreams place anyone could ever imagine. It was what I can only describe as heaven. It was the most beautiful fields of green grass that all shone golden light. There is nowhere on this planet earth quite like it. My friend who had passed away stood in front of me and I could see him. He also radiated golden light.
Exceptional ADC that is NDE-like with deceased friend at time of severe grief.

1890. Gene C ADCs 8/13/2024. I turned it on and shortly after, I heard her voice clear as day. I then spoke to her and once to my father for approximately 2 months. Towards the end, an evil sounding voice was coming through and she told me we had to stop talking. It was hard, but I did what she said.
ADCs from deceased wife and father.

1889. Marshall P ADC 7/29/2024. As I'm holding the bag and noticing the print, which was fish scales and several purple fish, a song playing on the radio was Cream's, 'Tales of Brave Ulysses' , and the lyric's sang, 'tiny purple fishes, run laughing through your fingers.....' and I'm looking at the bag and thinking this is definitely a sign from Martha.
ADC from deceased friend.

1695. Randy S ADC 5/12/2019 & 7/24/24. No radio, no TV, and the sound of no crying felt great. Shortly after, I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands and for a moment was standing looking at my reflection in the mirror, thinking about nothing in particular, when I heard in a normal speaking voice, the sound of a woman coming from my son's bedroom (but also maybe in my head) say, ' I love you.' It was in a very tender, sincere way a loving mother admires her child.
ADC from wife’s deceased mother.

1888. Colleen R ADC 7/23/2024. As I moved closer, I saw souls emerging from the top of the tent, rising toward the sky. I realized that people were being killed or dying somehow inside the tent, and I was in line to die. Thankfully, I don't remember entering the tent. Instead, my next memory is of walking through a beautiful, colorful, comforting 'town' of sorts.
ADC dream with multiple deceased relatives and a pet dog.

1887. Alexandra P ADC 7/18/2024. I heard phone vibrations all night. Not coming from my phone or my husband's. I searched and I could not find the source. The next morning my other aunt (from dad's side) heard the same thing… I look for the source and after a minute or two, it will stop.
ADC shortly after death of her mother.

1886. Phylesia G ADCs 7/11/2024. My mom died in March of this year and I have been really sad because it was unexpected. I was sitting on my bed by myself my dad and stepmom are upstairs sleeping and the light turned on for the entire bedroom out of nowhere. Then I was in the garage by myself smoking at night and the lights were flickering a lot I just thought it was kind of strange then at a separate event I was downstairs in my bed and the lights were flickering a lot I kept telling myself that it was just something with the electrical in the house. Then I was sitting outside and I heard my mom say my name out loud. Earlier this week when I was home alone something was wrong or I heard a loud bang upstairs, no one home nothing there.
ADCs from deceased mother.

1885. Louis K ADC 7/9/2024. ADC from deceased father when he needed to forgive him. “As the funeral Mass went on, I said to myself that I should pray for him, even though I was angry. BAM! IMMEDIATELY I was in the spirit!
STE and ADC.

1884. George Z ADC 6/16/2024. He got very near and said, 'Thanks for being such a great Fan.' Then he moved toward the Sun, then around it, into the (outer) space behind it and kept going.
ADC at the time of death of well known actor.

1883. Ran H ADCs 6/12/2024. I just remember her smiling and placing her hand over my hand which was on the shifter knob in the middle console (I didn't feel this on my physical skin). She gave me that solemn smirk she usually would in life almost making sure I was okay. She just looked relaxed and at peace.
ADCs including one from deceased identical twin sister.

1882. Ana L ADC 6/9/2024. From the United Kingdom . . . It was a very bright, colorful energy that seemed to be singing and dancing and enveloping me. At the same time, I felt my mother saying to me exactly these words: "I'm going on my path. I'm very happy. Don't worry about me; I'm very well!" I didn’t hear my mother’s voice, but it felt like she was communicating through my soul.
ADC from deceased mother shortly after her death.

1881. Jo T Granddaughter's ADC 5/28/2024. From New Zealand She was sitting up in the bed and I was lying down but fully awake. She pointed with her first finger at the wall in the corner of the room directly infront of a mirror hanging on the wall. She had a huge smile on her face all of a sudden and said "Dad". Then "Dadda" all while she was pointing her finger.
Grandmother shares granddaughter’s awareness that her father died prior to granddaughter being informed her father was dead.

1880. Dirk W ADCs 5/5/2024. She walked up to a pitch black wall and opened a door. Beyond the door was bright white light. Before she went through the door, she said 'see you later.' Very soon after that, I felt and saw a very strong bond of 100% commitment between us. It's an unbreakable bond.
Multiple ADCs from deceased girlfriend.

1879. Joann B ADC 4/30/2024. Woke up to my husband making a horrible, guttural sound. Opened my eyes to see a cool mist all around up. He asked me, 'Do you see that?' The mist was heavy, like a smoke machine that you could barely see through at first. Dissipated over a few, maybe five to ten, seconds.
Shared ADC between contributor and her husband from deceased mother in law.

1878. Jennifer C ADC 4/26/2024. It was a feeling that does not exist on this earth.. at least not the I have experienced. A feeling of pure love, joy, acceptance, peace... every positive emotion multiplied by 100. I sat there in awe... I couldn't move...I was totally fixated on it.
ADC from deceased friend.

1877. Lanie ADCs 4/25/2024. I dreamt he was standing in front of the window in our kitchen where he died. He didn't say anything and there was a bright light shining from behind his head. I had a feeling of calmness, comfort, love and connection to him.
ADCs from deceased father.

1876. Cass F ADC 4/25/2024. 'Danny what are you doing here?' 'Please tell her to stop.' 'Mom is still mourning and won't let me go. Please tell her to stop so can continue my journey.' I sensed he was about to leave so rapidly asked him to describe where he was.
ADC dream from deceased brother. Shared 54 years later.

1875. Robert S ADCs 4/24/2024. I saw my sister and her middle daughter, the six year old, on the bed with red ruddy cheeks and their hair all tussled, with smiles on their faces. I was obvious that my sister had been playing with and tickling her middle daughter under the covers, and the child was laughing and they were having a grand old time.
ADCs dreams from deceased sister.

1874. John ADC 4/21/2024. It took him no more than 5 seconds to transfer mom's body from the bed to the gurney but in these 5 seconds the electricity went crazy. The lights in this room all flashed wildly, but only for the few seconds when mom's body was being transferred from the bed to the gurney.
ADC involving electrical phenomena shortly after mother’s death.

1873. Trish Z ADC 4/14/2024. A boy I had dated, once or twice, appeared in my dream urging me to take his hand. Promised my life would be happy and safe. I refused. The following morning, I was told his car drove into a river and he drowned.
ADC dream on the night a boy she dated died.

1872. Becky R ADC 4/14/2024. At the top of the wall where it meets the ceiling was a sign, 'What the hell are you looking up here for'. It was faded yellowed wooden frame. A young man (son) asked if I wanted it. It was nailed to the wall on both sides. I told the young man what had just happened and he said my dad was a prankster.
ADC while in the house of a deceased person who was unknown prankster.

1871. Kathryn W ADC 3/19/2024. I felt him lean over and kiss me on my left cheek, much like when you are kissing someone goodnight as they are sleeping in bed and you are standing up over and behind them, leaning over towards them.
ADC dream from former fiancée.

1870. Shanna ADC 3/19/2024. In that large tub of my son’s clothes i put my hand in the exact spot in which I felt something small and almost rubbery. I closed my hand around it and brought the small item out of the tub. I was filled with excitement when I saw what it was. A 1 1/2 inch tall rubber teddy bear! This moment was life changing for me.
ADC from deceased son.

1869. Heather P ADC 3/17/2024. My husband and kids were in the living room and I was in the kitchen next to my husband’s phone. The phone rang and when I looked down to see who it was the caller id had my mother-n-laws name show up. I was confused at first and husband asked who is it? I picked up the phone and turned the phone so he could see and I said, 'it says Kellye is calling. What do I do?!'
Witnessed ADC from deceased mother-in-law.

1868. Elisabeth Z ADC 3/11/2024. From Luxemburg. That very night, I dreamt that she had died, and that I was standing at her bedside, together with my 5 brothers and sisters. In my dream, she was totally white (though during her last years, her skin had been full of red patches). I extended my hand to touch her and felt that she was ice cold and stiff. I got such a fright in my dream, because this touch felt so real, that I woke up with a start. And in this moment, I felt her next to me. I sort of saw her with my inner eye, it is hard to describe. She was in a beautiful golden light and I could feel the joy and happiness and unearthly bliss she was experiencing. I knew that moment without any doubt that she had left her body. A few hours later, my sister called and told me "Mum died this night." All I could answer was "I already know".
ADC with her mother.

1867. Rebecca S ADCs 2/27/2024. From the United Kingdom Roughly an hour later, two lamps on opposite sides of the room went off and on. The TV, which shared a socket with one of the lamps, didn't so much as flicker. It didn't occur to me straight away but my boyfriend highlighted that this had taken place after I had sensed Dad in the room.
Two ADCs from deceased father.

1866. Damian ADC 2/21/2024. From Poland At that winter's night I lied in my bed in the bedroom, when suddenly I felt very uneasy and experienced a bad premonition that something really wrong happend to my dad. There was nothing more unnatural than this very bad feeling. I remember I looked at the watch and it was around 22:00 o'clock.
ADC from father at the moment of his death.

1865. Marie W ADC 1/29/2024. From New Zealand My Grandfather was deceased, he walked past the family members and through a veil that I knew I couldn't go through. As he walked away he said its OK now I'm all better and he got younger, to maybe late 20s. I felt extremely peaceful. Back in the real world, it was during the night,the phone was ringing to tell us Grandad had passed.
ADC dream at moment of her grandfather’s death. Verified OBE observations.

1864. Bonnie V ADC 1/19/2024. From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy I found myself floating on waves in the ocean, the water was magnificent of a wonderful blue color. I was floating cradled by the waves. There have been sensations but my body wasn't there. Then by telepathy I heard my father, I only saw his face, he told me not to worry. I remained there, still cradled by those sparkling waves and felt like I didn't want to go back. At a certain moment I was asked if I wanted to stay? I felt so good but this question made me understand that this was not normal and I got scared.
ADC dream with deceased father.

1863. Lori R ADC 1/12/2024. It was calm and peaceful and loving. I was a part of this wonderful amber/yellow light that was everything. I was alone, without a body. I didn't hear any sound. I heard my voice thinking, 'I Love it here, I'm staying.' I felt like I was moving but didn't have a body. I didn't care about not having a body. I just felt so loved and at peace I couldn't imagine going back. Then in my mother's voice I heard her thoughts 'I love you.' (My mother passed in 2008).
ADC possible dream at time of hospitalization for high blood pressure.

1862. Aaron ADC 12/26/2023. She was completely made out of white light but had detailed features like a sculpture. She hovered in the air several feet in front of me, and seemed to be about 1-2 feet high. She started dancing around in what looked like a dress or gown. For some reason, I decided that I should listen to messages from her, and the second I did, I instantly heard something that sounded like 'Emelle, Emelle' over and over in my head in a very clear voice.
ADC from friend’s grandmother during a drug (marijuana) experience.

1861. Sandi N ADCs 12/14/2023. It was about 3 am. TV was turned on by itself or by whom? The other time I got up in the morning and could not believe my eyes. The reclining chair was unfolded by itself. Ray spent last day of his life sitting in this chair before ambulance took him to the hospital.
Several ADCs from deceased husband.

1860. Erik L ADC 12/12/2023. The experience went on it seemed, through the night, and into the morning, although I cannot be certain. It seemed I relived all the moments we had together, but all at once. Time didn’t exist. Just love. Just the experience of us two, in a universe of our own. It was exhilarating and also somewhat new to me, like what we experience on earth with true love, but thousands of times greater. I seemed astonished even at the time, in how accepting I was of her, and how much I loved her, and was able to show it, more than I ever did in our real, earthly lives.
Remarkable ADC with ex-wife on the night she died.

1859. Brian S ADC 11/17/2023. This experience was extraordinary but the really peculiar thing about this visit was that I saw nothing, but only felt Fran land and sit on my shoulder. Also very odd was that I knew instinctively that it was Francis who visited me; it was his presence and without any consideration I automatically knew it was him. The experience came completely out of the blue and I hadn't been thinking of him at all.
ADC from deceased pet Turtle Dove bird.

1858. Colin H ADC 10/22/2023. all the time I could feel the presence of whoever was in the room with me. I said to myself if that is you love I won't be scared and then the mattress just behind my back pushed down as if someone lent over and put their weight on the bed behind me.
ADC from deceased wife.

1857. David P ADCs 10/22/2023. As patients in hospice were drying I'd offend see big boxy outlines of beings, large shoulders and heads but no faces, chunky size like an apartment refrigerator type build. They would line up along the wall of the dying patient, more coming as death gets closer than they move forward towards the patient's bed. I would apologize in my mind to them as I would walk among or through them to get to my patient to provide care, they didn't respond to me but I felt I was intruding. At death they were all gone. That has happened a few hundred times.
Multiple varied experiences from a hospice nurse.

1856. Deborah S Father-in-law NELE 10/20/2023. I’m reporting the event my beloved father-in law reported. 72 yo Malle w one previous MILD heart attack. As a large family we were meeting at a resort for the first grandchild to be married. On the drive to the resort my FIL reported to a very close family member who was sharing the ride w them ( who later shared it w us) that he had a dream the night before. In the dream he was standing in a large room filled w light and many many beds. In the room was a woman standing who said to my FIL that they were waiting for him he reported that he wasn’t ready. He didn’t think the dream was particularly strange he just wanted to share it w his lifetime very close friend. I didn’t know about this until after his death…
NELE in form of a premonition dream.

1855. Alice L ADCs 10/1/2023. The two colors merged in a starburst that was so riveting i cannot even begin to explain the level of ecstasy that i was experiencing. The closest comparison would be that it was like a physical orgasm but spiritual in nature and so much more intensely delightful. I have never felt anything close to that. When it was done, lasting maybe a total of 15 seconds, I joking said out loud 'Wow. You've been holding on me'.
Two ADCs from husband who recently died.

1854. Dana L ADC 9/24/2023. I was hit with the smell of my grandma. Confused I walked out into my main room and smelt nothing, walked back into my side room and there it was again. I took a big sniff, smiled and said out loud "Hi grandma, I love you and miss you and I hope you're okay". I took another big sniff of the air and then had to leave for work.
ADC in the form of a familiar scent from her deceased grandmother.

1853. Khoa P ADC 9/22/2023. From Vietnam. Original in Vietnamese, translated to English. 15 days after my wife passed away, I slept and dreamed that she was sitting in the living room, sitting there and smiling at me for about 2-3 seconds then her whole body was shining, the light was very bright but I felt real. pleasant and full of happiness. After that incident, I suddenly had a complete change in my spirituality, I was more sympathetic, more patient and motivated to learn about the universe, people, outlook on life, spiritual issues.
ADC dream from deceased wife.

1852. Jon W ADC 9/9/2023. Then I saw my great uncle and my godfather (who passed when I was 6 years old) running through the forest. As they came closer a very bright light came from above and descended onto a lagoon like area and everything was lit up immediately. It was then that I first saw my brother. He was crouched down by a tree, breathing very heavily and sobbing uncontrollably.
ADC two days after brother’s death by suicide.

1851. Tony R ADC 9/8/2023. She again said. 'I thought it would be different but nothing has changed.' I put my arms around her and pulled her into my arms she put her head on my shoulder. She was sobbing heavily her tears were soaking my shirt I said. 'god loves you and will forgive you. Pray for forgiveness.
ADC dream at apparent time of death of friend. Remarkable insight in experience regarding the cause of friend’s death. Shared 49 years after experience occurred.

1850. Laurette P ADC 9/7/2023. Original in French. Translated to English by Marguy. During a few seconds I didn't see anything else except a light of a milky white, powerful but not blinding. And then nothing. The same night I think my cat came visiting me in my dreams. It sat in front of our home, near the street where it lost it's life. It was watching me, it's tail delicately wound around it's body and two things did strike me; first the way it looked at me, I perceived such serenity in it's glance, it was as if it was telling me: I'm well, down't worry”
ADC involving pet cat.

1849. Val R ADCs 9/1/2023. It started off as a normal very odd dream taking place on a farm, but there was a complete change to the dream suddenly. It was much more vivid suddenly. I was laying down in the dream when Domino came to lay down with me. I felt the feeling that he missed me and I felt it as well when he laid on my lap. I felt like we had a good few minutes together
ADCs dreams involving deceased pet cats and grandfather.

1848. Anne C ADC 7/14/2023. At exactly 10:31 pm I heard a 'CLINK' behind me, something had hit the floor. I didn't react to it as I had cleaned off the kitchen table before I sat it for dinner and had a number of items that I cleared and moved them to the buffet. So my immediate response was nothing at all. I assumed that one of the items I had moved to the buffet had been sitting on the edge and fell to the floor.
ADC from deceased mother.

1847. Holly E ADCs 7/13/2023. The dogs sleep in the room with me, so they woke me quickly. Wondering what they were barking at, I listened and heard a loud buzzing sound. It sounded like a cell phone vibrating somewhere in the house. It was louder in the living room, so I began looking for what it was. I finally found it inside my husband's desk. My husband had died while sitting at this very desk, and I was present when that happened.
Many ADCs from deceased husband and one from grandmother.

1846. Gianna ADC 7/10/2023. From the United Kingdom When she emerged from her office, we were by the canal and the 'tunnel', not that it is a tunnel, just the road goes over. At this point I realised that there was a bright white light in that direction where the bridge was, to my left and that it was like a sort of vortex. Nearby I felt the presence of the non physical forms of my aunt's brother and sister, both dead for years and who I hadn't even thought of.
ADC dream with deceased grandmother.

1845. Dr. Simmi G ADCs 6/19/2023. I just started weeping, and I suddenly saw the deity again, and the following words boomed in my head. I am certain that these words did not come from my own mind because this is not how I speak these words were distinctly from this being this being. ‘Your father has entered the kingdom of heaven, carried on the wings of an angel. You do not need to pray for him, for he has become the prayer.’
Multiple experiences before, during, and after father’s death in India. Contributor is a physician.

1844. Tina C ADC 6/19/2023. My beloved dog passed away at vet hospital after having surgery… Then a little later, while putting the dishes away and not really thinking about anything at all, I heard my mother's voice as if she were standing right there next to me! She said, 'Teeeennaa……I GOT HERRR!' I instantly got a mental image of Bailey standing in front of Mom facing left and Mom bending down, patting Bailey firmly twice on the side ribs as Bailey wagged her entire body with excitement with her neck & jaw up in the air looking at my mom as if Mom had a ball in her hand. Mom’s voice was just the same as it was in life, she seemed like she was slightly out of breath when she said my name though, kind of like she just threw a ball or was expelling a lot of energy saying it to get my attention. Her tone made me feel like I had to listen to her sort of like: Hey now listen!! You know Bailey is with me so STOP worrying about her!
ADC vision of deceased mother and dog.

1843. Giulia D ADC 6/19/2023. From Italy My father looked as he did in his 50s (he was almost 79 when he ‘died’). He wore no glasses (I was reminded of how he had always taken them off for photographs) and was dressed in a grey long-sleeved polo shirt I remembered clearly from when he was ‘alive’. He looked wonderfully healthy. We hugged for a long time. After we pulled apart, he was anxious to show me some things.
ADC from deceased father. Remarkably detailed and NDE-like.

961. Christine I's Aunt's ADC 5/30/2023 & 2/15/2010. In my Aunt’s dream my grandmother, who had long passed, was trying to talk. My Aunt said she felt it was very difficult for my grandmother to speak. My grandmother said ….. 'QE2, mark 5, it is OK' This was years before I worked on the QE2
Aunt’s ADC dream contained information that may have saved her life.

1842. Kimberly E ADC 5/30/2023. Later that afternoon I went back into the bedroom to retrieve something, stopped and looked at a picture on the wall of him and my mother. Suddenly, the hairs on my arms stood on end and I felt that same heavy pressing into my body, wrapping itself around me. The intuition again was that it was George. There was no doubt at that moment that it was anyone else but him.
ADC from stepfather shortly after his death.

1841. Adrian I ADCs 5/27/2023. From Romania. I asked.'Grandma, you came to visit me! But wait, why are you going already? Have a seat, so we can talk!' to which she replied: 'My dear child, I can't stay anymore, but you get up, get dressed and go to work.'
Two ADC dreams from deceased grandmother.

1840. Kellie H ADC 5/18/2023. The message I received was that I needed to be with someone else. That I shouldn't be with the man I was with. That there was someone else waiting for me. She pointed to a grave and the message I received when she looked at me was that I needed to leave my current boyfriend or else I would die. I woke up being upset with my grandmother. I was happy. Why would she tell me to leave someone that made me happy?
ADC dream from deceased grandmother with information that may have saved her life.

1839. Sally B ADCs 5/10/2023. I see a portal in the black of my eyes. It opens up and my son is there. He always seems happy and having fun. After a few years he started telepathically talking with me. At one point I asked him to prove it was him and he handed me a white rose. There have been so many different experiences but I can say it's always been positive. The last time I saw Michael in the portal about a month ago there was a flash of light and the portal closed. I haven't seen him since.
Multiple ADCs from deceased son.

1838. Patrick C ADC 5/2/2023. All I remember from this experience was telling her “I miss you very much and I wish you didn’t have to leave” and she told me “Don’t be sad, I am free from my pain and I will always be with you even though I am gone”.
ADC dream from deceased friend at age 17.

1837. Christopher D ADC 4/26/2023. She said 'It's beyond the human brain's capacity to understand' I said 'I don't care try to explain it to me anyway'. She said OK, try to pay attention' and suddenly the scene changed and she was standing in front of a blackboard and began answering my questions. Every once in awhile during her explanation she would turn around and work on a geometrical design she had started on the black board which turned into an amazingly complicated circular design and as soon as she finished it she said 'There, I answered your questions but you didn't understand it did you?
ADC dream from deceased sister.

1836. Bruce B ADC 4/21/2023. The love was light and the light was love. He took me with him and we looked down upon the earth below where I saw him and his friends playing like children, and I realized that they meant no harm to anyone, and like children they were not fully responsible for their actions. All this was taking place in a world of absolute nonjudgemental love, and the love that was streaming from him transformed me and my view of his world.
ADC, NDE-like shared between the person dying and in a coma, and his former lover.

1835. David S ADCs 4/2/2023. My wife Crystal Sereda died a tragic death on August 9, 2021 and spoke my name audibly right as she died while she was away from me. In the middle of the night on August 9th, 2021, I could audibly hear her calling for me in stress but it sounded like a static AM radio station coming from my staff beside the bed, which was tuned to a specific radio frequency. I awoke and tracked her phone late at night. I could see where she was or where her phone was in the forest way up a mountain trail.
Among the most remarkable series of ADCs ever shared with ADCRF. Extensive ADCs with deceased wife, and remarkable analysis of related astronomy and mathematics wisdom.

1834. Sharon N ADC 2/23/2023. About 30 minutes later I heard voices in the living room, it sounded like a woman and a child, and a dog. Initially I thought maybe someone had lost a dog and was outside the house retrieving it but there were no windows open, and it did sound like it was taking place in the living room. I then woke my boyfriend up and told him I think someone is in the living room, he said there couldn't be, but then he heard the voices as well.
ADC from deceased wife of her boyfriend.

1833. Lisa M ADCs 2/12/2023. When we were alone in the room I gave it to him and he said, "I like the background color." So I said, "I used that color because that's the same color I see when your mom comes to visit me. She's been hanging around me and wants me to give you a message from her." And then I told him what the message was.
Two ADCs. One involving grandmother and the other involving her pet dog.

1832. Susan R Father’s ADC 2/3/2023. He sat up in bed and looked across his hotel room to see who woke him. Standing at the end of his bed was a man just starring at him wearing GI Boots and a flight suit. My father didn't know if this was real or a dream. The man stood there for a few moments while my father got his bearings. Once my father was fully awake, the man told my father through telepathy, 'Sassy has been in a very bad auto accident. She is very broken but she will live.'
Susan’s father encountered a deceased friend of his with the message that Susan was in a serious auto accident but would live.

1831. Bethany H ADCs 12/18/2022. On the first call, he told me not to worry about him because he was happier where he was than he had ever been on earth. He also advised me that he had my Llasha Apso, Lance with him and would take care of him until I arrived.
ADCs from deceased father.

1830. Eva ADC 12/18/2022. From Germany my nephew apologized in the direction of the ceiling: "Grandma, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it that way" - and at the same moment the light came back on as if nothing happened. No light bulb was crushed, either. The funny thing was not only the collective feeling that grandma was present...
ADC from deceased grandmother witnessed by many.

1829. Elaine F ADCs 12/12/2022. The final time I heard from mom was in a different way and to me, this was very impressive.. She showed herself to me in a dream, young and beautiful and wearing a very distinctive, beautiful dress with a vibrant floral pattern. It was really beautiful.
ADC dreams from recently deceased mother.

1828. Linda S ADC 11/21/2022. My friend who had just died was walking behind me and jumping up and down and happy. He was happy to know he had gotten through to me and his 'body' ws whole again as he had not been bedridden for 8 months. In our death compact, he had asked me to be with him when he died.
ADC with significant other. Brief NDE at age 16 due to car accident. Shared 54 years later. Other experiences described.

1827. Alejandro A ADC 10/17/2022. From Venezuela. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille. During his funeral, I remember that when they were lowering the coffin in the burial site, my feeling of anguish grew even more and I asked him a question in my mind, and that question was whether he was okay, and if he could let me know. That night, when I laid down to sleep, I had a dream in which I was in a forest and in front of me, there was a row of big trees and suddenly, my father came out from behind one of them, dressed exactly as when he was buried.
ADC dream the night after father’s death.

1826. Debbie C ADC 10/17/2022. As I was running the scene turned to what I thought was snow. It was brilliant white and I was in a sort of cavern. As I was running I became aware of some beings. They were all white and humanoid but not human, their faces were quite unusual looking and it is hard to describe. They were also not very tall. One in particular was looking down at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen and was sharing with me great love, I stood still and was looking back at the being with an equally big smile on my face, I was in awe of the being.
ADC dream from deceased father.

1825. Elizabeth L ADC 10/3/2022. I was in a very vivid dream. It seemed like I was backstage at some music venue and I was standing in a candlelit room that felt very comfortable. Taylor walked into the room, hugged me tightly, and kissed me on the side of my face. He said “Everything is going to be okay”, and I felt very at peace.
ADC dream with deceased rock music star.

1824. Leo Y ADC 9/27/2022. I asked a question, in words, addressed to no particular person, while alone in my residence: 'I wonder how Sok-Jun is doing?' The next morning, just prior to fully waking up, I perceived singing, a song from Sok-Jun, and the song was a sentence, 'I've got freedom,' sung as exactly that single sentence, repeated at least three times.
ADC possible dream from deceased close friend.

1823. John S ADC/Other 9/27/2022. My father was standing before me with someone; I think it was Uncle Bernard at his side, talking to me. The whole sky was a golden hue of color, bright but not too bright giving a feeling of euphoria. A sense of tremendous energy! I was being communicated to at a level of consciousness that gave the emotional feeling of warmth and good emotions that were about to happen or would happen in the future. It was like a premonition of future events only to be realized later in my life.
Long writing about ADC and many other experiences.

1822. Heather L ADCs 8/22/2022. I see a dozen or more yellow butterflies fluttering all over the bed of the truck and her things. I don't know why I said this or what possessed me to do what I did next, I guess I just missed her that much, I simply turned my hand over close to my chest and said, "Momma, if this is a sign from you please let a butterfly fly into my hand." As soon as the words escaped my lips a butterfly fluttered onto my hand and perched there for about ten seconds and flew away.
ADCs including a dramatic ADC involving butterflies.

1821. Penelope S ADC 8/10/2022. From Germany. I suddenly began singing a song by Schumann (In der Fremde=Abroad). At that moment my sister called from the USA and told me our father had crossed over, and I knew. As for the OBE, I was lying in my bed (in the 60's) and thought I was dreaming about floating in the air, looking down at a little black dog on a small white island barking at me, and when I looked up I saw beautiful gray-blue clouds.
ADC dream with awareness that father had just died.


1820. Kathleen W ADC 7/15/2022. I was sleeping soundly when I woke up with the feeling that someone was in my bedroom watching me. I did not open my eyes at first, fearing that a stranger was in my house. But I have four dogs and none of them was making a sound. So, I opened my eyes and saw my husband standing at the side of the bed looking at me. He looked the same age as when we met 35 years before. He just stood there looking at me and me at him. I must have stared at him for well over 5 minutes. When I closed my eyes, I then felt someone climb into the bed laying against me like we used to sleep together. This sensation lasted until I fell back to sleep. This ADC was very comforting to me. It has helped me cope with the loss of my husband but it has also sparked a need to have other communications from him. I hope that I see or hear from him again.
ADC from deceased husband.

1819. Felicea M ADC 5/25/2022. I filmed for a short time and put down the camera. I looked at the screen and asked the energy who they were, and it just stopped. Like it had never happened. I showed my husband the video that night, and heard the EVP that sounds just like my sisters voice yelling from a distance.
ADC from deceased sister via EVP (electronic voice phenomena).

1818. Tracey B ADC 5/25/2022. From New Zealand I was only crying for about 3 minutes when a bird I could not see but only hear began to sing and the birdsong was so loud it was as if the bird was sitting on my shoulder. Upon hearing it, I immediately stopped crying, like someone had flipped a switch and at that moment, was filled with such an immense sense of peacefulness like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I knew at that moment, my dad was okay.
ADC at the time of her father’s death a continent away.

1817. Peter V NELE 5/3/2022. From Canada She never said anything, she just simply walked back down the hall and through the kitchen and reentered her dying, tired, stroke ridden, starved of food and water body. We were very upset that she would even want to head back into her body after temporarily being free. An hour or so later after she reentered her body was the last few hours of her life. Soon she would meet Jesus and have no choice but to go with him. This is where We met JESUS!!
NELE with his dying mother and encounters with the grim reaper and Jesus.

1816. Linda H ADCs 4/4/2022. From Canada. A few nights after he died, I was in Vancouver sleeping on my sister’s deck. I woke up in the middle of the night to find him showing me this huge, blood-red gibbous moon. I saw the moon for 3 nights in a row from 1 am to 4 am.
Multiple ADCs from deceased husband.

1815. Catherine S ADC 4/3/2022. From the United Kingdom. In March 2019 I had a dream that I was at a market and the brooch was in the middle of a whole tray of kingfisher brooches. When I woke up I thought "I know there is definitely one of these out there, when will it come back to me?". I thought nothinv more of it, but when I got home a magazine had been deliverec with a kingfisher on the front, and it prompted me to search Ebay again. There it was! It had a “buy it now” price, I paid, and three days later it arrived.
ADC from deceased mother.

1814. Javier ADC 3/24/2022. From Spain. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille My grandfather died when I was 16 years old; he was a beloved man and his death was hard on all of us. Time passed and the wound healed; we moved forward and learned to live life without him. The truth is that although I miss him like all my deceased relatives, at the time of the NDE, I had already gone through the stages of grief and I was fine. However, One night when I was 18 years old, while I was sleeping, I had a dream that as of today recalls in many ways an NDE. I remember that I was in my grandfather's house and that it was exactly the same as we had left it. I was next to him, we talked and laughed, but shortly after, I looked at the door of the house and noticed that there was a blinding light in it. I looked at my grandfather and hugged him while we cried; shortly afterwards, everything lit up and I woke up. When I woke up, I realized that I did not remember at all what my grandfather and I had talked about during the dream. I am now 24 years old, and I remember that dream to this day with total precision, and the truth is that it has never felt like a dream. Later, I did have dreams where deceased relatives of mine appeared; however, these did feel like dreams.
ADC dream of deceased grandfather.


1813. Melinda M ADC 3/9/2022. All of a sudden my daughter came down from the sky, she had wings. I remember being so happy to see her when she grabbed me and started to push me away. I remember saying 'Jessica, why don't you want to see me'? At the same moment I was saying this to her she was screaming 'no'! Then she came up in the middle of my mattress and pushed me over so that I rolled over.

1812. Joseph W ADC 3/3/2022. As I was walking through the hallway outside my bedroom, my now deceased Uncle Bill stopped me, and said, Joeeeeyyyy! It was the funny way he always said my name. Something seemed off because he looked so happy and peaceful, his teeth were perfect, he was at a normal weight, he looked maybe in his 30s and he had a full head of hair.
ADC from deceased uncle around the time of his death.

1811. Lisa D ADCs 2/5/2022. Lights on porch flicker when approaching front door. Street lights flickered when driving down a street then returned to normal after driving away. Doorbell would not stop ringing after it has been broken for over 1 year. Continued to ring when batteries were removed. Twice pictures of the deceased fell of a piano when there was no other movement in the room. Nine other pictures stayed in their place.
ADCs from deceased son.

1810. Gemma W ADC 1/29/2022. I was meditating due to feeling sad about the break up, I fell asleep and awoke looking from the bed to the hall way, my boyfriend who had broken up with me had lost his mother a few years ago, when I woke I saw her in the hall way, she didn’t speak to me but sent me a feeling to watch her closely next to her my boyfriend appeared, she showed me that she was whispering in his ear, I could not hear what she was saying. I also could not stop noticing this red parka coat she had on. She disappeared and I had similar auditory hallucinations after where I heard noises playing in my ears. I woke up and reported this dream to my ex boyfriend, he burst in to tears as they birthday before his mum died he’d bought her a red parka coat and she loved it much she had worn it all the time, I knew nothing about this as he had no photos up, I had not met his mother at this time and he didn’t very often talk of her.
ADC dream with verified information she could not have otherwise known and OBE Probable Dream.

1809. Karie K ADCs 1/29/2022. I’m wide awake and I feel (physically) my husband touching and holding me. He has answered questions and traced words onto my back. I have seen a misty figure several times during the night initially but it frightened me so much that I have not seen these again but I hear a noise that’s hard to describe. Kind of a buzzing but not a buzzing. It’s hard to put into words.
ADCs from deceased husband.

1808. Rick B ADCs 1/29/2022. I was sleeping and I heard, specifically in my left ear, 'Rick, I've got to go.' It was my Grandmother's voice. I bolted from bed, sitting on the side, trying to wake up and get my thoughts organized, when the phone rang.
Multiple ADCs from deceased family members.

1807. Anne J ADC 1/29/2022. From the United Kingdom I can't remember what time it was only that it was during the day, feeling my grief, and I heard my father's voice distinctly and clearly say to me 'Anne you have to let go'. The voice was as clear as any voice is and was utterly Dad's voice.
Premonition and ADC around time of father’s death.

1806. Dawn A ADC 1/29/2022. Sometime in the middle of the night, I dreamt he came to me. I don't know where we were, but there was a jacket, and I puilled an ID out of the pocket and it was his ex's, and I told him , see, and he said, yes but it wasn't what you thought it was. He said maybe if we had a (name of his recently deceased friend) Jr's, and I exclaimed, what she was pregnant
ADC dream from boyfriend on night he died.

1805. Raashmi S ADC 1/29/2022. My mother wasn't part of my dream, she appeared and she was young again, like how she looked in photos when she got married. Her face was full and it looked like her skin was made of light. My mother was wearing a forest green sari (she loved wearing this style of Indian clothing when she was alive).
ADC dream from deceased mother.

1804. James M ADC 12/13/2021. I walked into a room at school with other faculty and staff in the room, but no students. I took a seat in a chair and then realized that my father- in-law was seated beside me on my right. I believe his deceased friend Howard may have been seated on his other side. In the dream I knew he was dead and was pleasantly surprised to see him. I quickly reached out and touched his left leg to see if he was as solid as he appeared. His body was as solid as a living person.
ADC dream from deceased father-in-law.


1803. James M ADC 12/13/2021. I walked into a room at school with other faculty and staff in the room, but no students. I took a seat in a chair and then realized that my father- in-law was seated beside me on my right. I believe his deceased friend Howard may have been seated on his other side. In the dream I knew he was dead and was pleasantly surprised to see him. I quickly reached out and touched his left leg to see if he was as solid as he appeared. His body was as solid as a living person.
ADC dream from deceased father-in-law.


1802. Neill H ADC 10/6/2021. It was as if I was out of my own body and didn't have a body to experience any of my 5 senses. In that seemingly empty black darkness with only my mother's light, I was overwhelmed and surrounded with the greatest feeling of love that I've ever experienced. I've never experienced feeling loved that much in my entire life, if all of the love I've felt and received my entire life were combined it would only be about 2% of the love that my spirit felt in that place or dimension. It was as if I were being loved by what I can only describe as being loved by a great (ALL). It was so beautiful that I wanted to stay there forever.
Remarkable shared ADC with mother including journey to unearthly realm at the time she died.


1801. Barbara W ADCs 9/4/2021 & 2/11/2022. As the cloud passed by me I new immediately it was my mother Agnes. She said 'don't worry, everything is all right. It is beautiful!' I could hear her and see all that she was seeing on her journey. I was amazed and happy after this happened. A short time after she visited with two of my cousins. A week after that she came to visit me again. She was sitting on a daybed with an afgan over her legs. She wore a azul blue velveteen outfit and her hair was as white as the clouds. She had red lip stick on. She looked beautiful.
Many ADCs shared here.

1800. John C ADC 8/15/2021. I was overwhelmed with the most amazing feeling of love and forgiveness. I was calmed by the feeling and knew that what I seeing was heaven or at least the front door to it. It was an awesome site and the feeling was indescribable. Love and forgiveness enveloped me and I knew that my dad was okay and that it was all okay. It felt as though I was just 10 feet from heaven, it was just right there. I never felt compelled to go into the clouds, it was my dad giving me a peak behind the curtain and there really was a great and powerful 'Oz'.
ADC from father shortly after he died.

1799. Wanda M ADC 8/10/2021. From Sweden I could see him clear as day and the image was so crisp. I could see the colour of the skin, ever the pors of the skin, his clothes which were made of white linnen. He was in a hurry and really exited about reaching the top of this enormous pyramid. I don't remember there being anything surrounding the pyramide, just a sunny sky.
ADC dream with deceased friend.

1798. Stephanie W ADC 7/30/2021. I felt like someone turned a light on, so I opened my eyes. There was no one there, but it was bright as day in my room, like,as if the sun itself was standing in my doorway. I didn't hear any words and I didn't say anything. I KNEW it was my husband and another 'spirit'. Without sound, I *felt the light comforting me as if to say "everything is going to be okay" and "goodbye."
ADC from deceased husband.

1797. David T ADC 7/29/2021. During the flight I started to get the feeling that my deceased brother was very happy for some reason. I knew it didn’t come from me, because I didn’t think it up. It was foreign, sort of pushed into me, so it came from another source and I knew it was him. He wasn’t just happy, he was ecstatic. Like jumping up and down happy.
ADC from deceased brother.

1796. Star S ADC 7/23/2021. I looked to the right of me,a s I entered and there was my father standing beside a refrigerator. He looked healthy and wearing same clothes, as I had seen him wearing on earth. He motioned with his left hand, pointing to the floor and said, 'See she's alright' as I looked, there was my dog Daisy, healthy, barking and playing with a white teddy bear with a purple bow on it, that I have never bought for her, while she was alive on earth. I have never seen it before. My dog was pulling at it and jumping on it.
ADC dream with deceased father and pet dog.

1795. Donna K ADC 7/10/2021. I was more fascinated than happy to see her at that time and looked directly into her eyes. Her eyes were strangely dark and deep at first but as I looked longer I could distinguish an overwhelming sense of joy in her eyes. This pure joy radiated to me like heat from an oven...and I knew that she was part of this beauty and joy. I wanted to be nearer to her so I took a step toward her.
Remarkable ADC in unearthly realm six weeks after her mother’s death.

1794. Mary B ADC 5/30/2021. Someone was sitting with him also at the table who I don't know and this person gestured to him with their head that I was there. Adam came right over to me and we hugged. The love I felt was like no other love I've ever felt and I also felt myself giving him all of my love too while hugging him.
ADC dream from deceased son.

1793. Cissie S ADC 5/26/2021. my recently deceased father standing next to the sofa, in front of me. He was accompanied by what I perceived to be an escort. I could not directly look at the escort, but sensed their presence. It felt male. My father spoke to me and I was happy to see him. I exclaimed, 'Tell me what it's like.'
ADC probable dream from deceased father.

1792. Donna B ADC 5/16/2021. While under anesthesia, I suddenly became aware that my head had just popped up into a completely black but well ventilated space. Then, without actually hearing his voice, and yet I did, Michael said to me: '‘I’m here if you want to come over’. I was just amazed and almost speechless and at the same time I didn’t want this to pass without me replying so that he knew I’d gotten his message. Something told me I had better say something quick before the visitation passed
Remarkable ADC occurring while under general anesthesia.

1791. Robin ADC 4/26/2021. I was up reading still at 3am. When suddenly my grandson sat upright and eyes closed he spoke the sentence “I don’t know what your talking about”. Then he fell back over asleep still. That was an exact phrase my husband used to tell me, he even used the same tone.
ADC from deceased husband through grandson.

1790. Claudia L ADC 4/1/2021. I said, “Dad, you are pretending to be Ellen, but I know it’s you.” Immediately, Ellen morphed into Dad before my eyes, chuckled and said, “Yep…it’s me.” At that point, our surroundings and all of the dream characters faded away and Dad and I were alone. He sat down on something that placed him slightly above me and I sat at his feet. He was wearing a gray suit I recognized, a tie, and dress socks and shoes—just as he would have dressed to go to work when he was alive. He appeared to be about 45. He looked incredibly vibrant and healthy, and very real.
ADC dream from deceased father. Interesting comment when she asked him to tell her about the afterlife.

1789. Dolly N ADC 3/20/2021. Then, when I got out of bed for the day (still in my dream), I went to listen to the answering machine more clearly. There was a package by the phone, from Jose. Inside was a coffee mug (his favorite drink). It was white with red lettering and had a picture of a chocolate drop, like a Hershey's kiss, but in red. Red is the color of ancestors; white is the color of The Divine.
ADC dream from former husband.

1788. Haley R ADC 3/18/2021. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of the vets office, on the radio, a song that was played at my brother's funeral came on.I had not heard the song being played since his funeral. It was so distinct. The sound seemed like it was louder than whatever else had been previously playing on the radio.
ADC in form of a special song from deceased brother as she was taking very sick dog to veterinarian to be euthanized.

1787. Carrie H ADC 2/26/2021. I started taking pics when I watched them suddenly scatter. Out of nowhere a huge Bald Eagle swooped down over me seemed to be the length of a car. Its underbelly solid white. Flew straight up landing on the top of the highest tree across the street.
ADC from deceased husband on wedding anniversary.

1786. Nigel P ADC 2/25/2021. From Ireland. I called upon his name and he just appeared out of thin air in front of me around 20 feet away, right in front of me. This next bit is very hard to put into words. In the air there was pure love, I don't know if the pure love was in the air or from the energy connecting us but it was an unbelievable feeling. On earth you feel love by touching or speaking by telling someone you love them but where I was, the love surrounded you. My Dog was perfect his hair was glowing with light but not like light here on earth, the light had mass to it.
ADC, dream, NDE-like SOBE, reuniting with deceased beloved pet dog.

1785. Sharon M ADC 2/25/2021. Clyde began talking to us about how Mexico looked and what he was going to bring us back, that certainly captured our attention. He gave us both a big hug and kiss before he left for his trip. I cried because I didn't think I would see him again, which I thought was a silly thing to do, cry. He was to meet a friend of his and they would drive to Mexico.
ADC at age 8 from family friend around time of death. Shared 61 years later.

1784. Mike I ADC 2/23/2021. It was the strangest sound and nothing like I had heard before, I can only describe it as a kind of electronic noise, a pulsating buzzing or vibrating sound that grew louder and louder until I was suddenly wide awake, then silence, and as clear as could be I heard my mothers voice soft and serene saying.... ‘ I am alright now Michael don’t worry ’ I sat up shocked at what I had heard.
ADC from mother.

1783. Mia ADC 2/16/2021. From Canada. I heard, ' hello, Mia? Hello, Mia?' It was my Mom! My heart raced. I said urgently, 'Mom, where are you? Mom, where are you?' I knew she was dead. I felt she was trying to contact me. Her voice sounded clear, and more like ‘herself’ before her health difficulties.
ADC probable dream from deceased mother.

1782. John R Sister ADCs 2/15/2021. . . . saw my mother enter her room as she normally would, looking healthy ( without any light, in the dark as if any of us entered a dark room at night). He moved to a chair to the right of my brother's bed, and stared at him for a few moments, then turned and walked out the door.
Second-person ADCs dreams around time of death of mother. Shared by his sister.

1781. Kelly B ADC 2/11/2021. My mother takes a seat on one of our kitchen chairs and I sit directly in front of her on the floor and put my head in her lap. She holds me lovingly and asks me just one question: 'Are you happy?'
ADC dream from deceased mother.

1780. Les T ADC 2/8/2021. I had no reason to suspect he would pass away that night. Sometime during the night, I had several very pleasant what I call 'vignette' dreams or 'dream scene episodes' of things he and I had done together, like camping or fishing trips. These were very pleasing, and enjoyable, and I awoke the next morning smiling and telling my wife of these 2 or 3 episodes in the dream.
ADC dream on night his father died.

1779. Wendy A ADC 1/31/2021. Then I saw a door open and felt myself drawn towards the doorway (almost guided - not pulled but it was similar to the feeling you have when a gust of wind pushes you. But there was no wind). The door closed on it's own behind me and now I was in a church, near the alter. I glided down the isle and then I was sitting in a pew and Rich was there. He said he is always with me and our friends and he will always watch out for us.
ADC dream from deceased friend who died of cancer at age 21.

1778. Kirk W ADC 1/26/2021. From the U.K. I was in my kitchen I was just doing my dishes and as I finished them I went to turn around and at the time my kitchen light started making a buzzing noise and started flickering which I have never had before or after. As I looked up to the kitchen light ,I felt like a surge of electricity go through me up my back and I began to shake a little my first thoughts were of my Dad. The experience I felt was very profound I had never in my life felt anything like that before or since.
ADC one week after father died.

1777. Nancy P ADC 1/21/2021. I walk up to him in the dream and asked him, 'Bruce why did you die now?' He looked at me a bit puzzled and sort of made a motion with his hand like indicating 'just a minute' and disappeared. He then returned and he shrugged his shoulders like he didn't quite understand the answer but this was the answer, he said 'karma'. The dream ended.
ADC dream from deceased brother.

1776. Catherine Z ADC 1/20/2021. I took the dogs out my side door near the iris flower beds. It was a dark evening without any significant moonlight and slight winds. While I was waiting for the dogs, I noticed what looked like someone walking down the road, perhaps smoking a cigarette (which I actually smelled). It seemed that they walked just past the mailbox of my house up on the street (perhaps 30-40 feet away) and stood in the distance, just watching me, where I could not clearly see them.
ADC from deceased father.

1775. Rhoda L ADC 1/14/2021. He was waving his arm saying "Mam! Wait up! I believe you dropped something!" When he got to us he handed me my younger brother, Herbert's, driver's license. Herbert had been dead for over 10 years and I did Not carry his license. We stared at it stunned and Mike said, "Look at the time!!" And it was exactly 2:00.
Remarkable ADC with deceased mother stating she would contact her at 2:00pm after her death, and it apparently happened.

1774. MBY ADC 1/14/2021. The movie was so similar to him. He was a painter and a psychic who forged a strong spiritual relationship is wife. The movie was about a painter who lost his wife but tried to reach her through his paintings. I found it a rather boring movie but miraculously recited every word of the dialogue before it was said. I had never seen the movie before and years later tried to repeat the experience and had no idea what the actors were about to say.
ADC in unusual form of advance awareness lines in a special movie.

1773. Zett A ADC 1/14/2021. As I was about to place my coat on the closest hook, the one I had been using for numerous days prior to that morning, I followed a sudden urge to go to the other end of the coat rack and use the hook on the far end. As I was placing my coat onto that hook I noticed a white canvas bag hanging on the hook directly next to it and in the center of the bag, in large print, were 3 letters: MOM.
ADC from deceased mother.

1772. Chris C ADC 1/12/2021. In a mellow mood… Louis got in bed with me and embraced me, hugging and whispering to me that he loved me. I could smell him, feel his body, hear his voice in my ear. We both levitated off the bed in a joyous embrace and it was blissful to hug him again after all these years.
ADC from partner who died 12 years previously.

1771. Julie R ADC 1/4/2021. When I was 7-8 I had an experience where my father came to me while I was asleep and took me out of my body and into a beautiful field full of flowers of all colours. All I can remember is holding hands and walking through what was the most spectacular field I have ever seen. I remember feeling so loved and protected.
ADC dream at age 7-8 from deceased father.

1770. Hayden W ADC 12/28/2020. From Canada. I was asking him for a sign that he was still there and suddenly this gust of localized 'wind' passed by my left ear and my left ear only giving me an extremely weird sensation. What was confusing was that this gust of wind was murmuring like I could hear a thousand whispers all happening at the same time.
ADC from deceased uncle.

1769. Tony G ADC 12/4/2020. From Australia. I yelled jokingly to my sister that someone was here. She entered the room and I described what I saw. She stated that it was her husband, wearing what she had buried him in. She brought the clothes especially for his burial. He came toward us and I could hear him clearly. He was not happy about a boyfriend she was seeing, what she was doing on their small farm, and other issues. She answered when I relayed his questions to her. She appeared to know what he was talking about. I had no knowledge of her activities or relationships. This went on for about 10 minutes.
Exceptional ADC involving about 10 minutes of questions and answers with sister’s deceased husband. Verified information he could not have otherwise known about what the deceased was wearing during the ADC.

1768. Carol K ADC 12/1/2020. I thought 'what the heck' - as I hadn't checked my Linked In account since I retired about 5 years ago - and even when I was still working I hardly got on it and never invited anyone to join my group. Out of curiosity, I went to Linked In and retrieved my password, then clicked on 'contacts'. What came up was a whole column of shadowed heads.
ADC from deceased son via message on the Internet.

1767. Sarah T ADC 11/1/2020 & 11/4/2020. After about 3 seconds of feeling this he moved closer. The wind sensation on my back grew stronger, and I found myself enveloped in what felt like an all encompassing, all embracing, spiritual hug, although my position in the bed remained the same. All physicality had gone and he had become this volatile, highly energetic entity recognisable to me as Robert but comparable to being caught up in a miniature maelstrom or the eye of a storm; a wind-like phenomenon that did not feel dangerous, frightening or destructive, but instead had a conscious, was familiar to me and loved me.
ADC dream from partner on night he died.

1766. Therese A ADCs 10/29/2020. I spotted a coin lying at the edge of the street, near the gutter. I crouched down to pick it up. Then I spotted another. And another. A whole mass of pennies had been dropped there, in the corner of a street parking space. It didn't 100% match my dreams, but it came close.
Multiple ADCs involving finding pennies.

1765. Helena S SDE 10/29/2020. From the United Kingdom From somewhere in the middle of my head I 'saw' that this connection was a beam of brilliant white light with sparks round the outside. Like a super super bright firework. Some of the sparks close to the entrance of that somewhere were orange, maybe because the whole thing was engulfed in the golden light.
Shared death experience with pet cat who was dying.

1764. Patricia ADC 10/24/2020. It was a week after my husbands death , many electrical oddities happened which I can explain in another post. I was lying in bed , on my side drifting off to sleep when I felt my husband press up against me and put his arms around me. I was holding his hand I knew it was him. He entered me slowly , tears were falling from my eyes I held his hand tightly.. it was incredible , We were ONE.. my heart was racing I felt electrified.. he started to pull away I grabbed his hand and said please don’t go , I’m not afraid.. ( I’m crying as I write this , very emotional experience) he left I got out of bed and I felt shaken and disconnected from the world. He wanted me to remember his love.
ADC from deceased husband.

1763. Suzanne B ADC 10/16/2020. 25 minutes into the Enya playlist, my husband was putting my food on the plate, when the next song that played was, 'Cat's in the Cradle', a song that was extraordinarily important to my Dad. He worked a lot when we were kids and he re-evaluated his life at some point to be around more. He was always proud of himself for being clever like that, and I feel certain that this was a 'hey you know darn well it's me, I wish I'd spent more time with you, and I'm sorry', all rolled into one song.
ADC from deceased father.

1762. DH ADC 10/10/2020. He said, he would die, that he would rise up again, that he would live again, but not in this world. That it would be at the other side… Today in my dream, I saw him in bed next to me. Initially, he was dead, lifeless. Then all of a sudden I heard him making noises, breathing, and moving. Then I called out to people around me, saying he is alive! he is not dead. He is living.
ADC dream from deceased husband.

1761. Barbara U ADCs 9/20/2020. When my mom wanted me, she would whistle for me at the bottom of the stairs because she didn't know my name. Shortly after my mom passed, my boyfriend and I were asleep during the middle of the night. We were both awaken at the same exact time by my mother's whistle at the bottom of the stairs. We both sat up and said, 'did you hear that?' It was exactly the way my mom used to whistle when she wanted either one of us. The experience brought me a lot of joy.
Two ADCs from deceased mother. One was a shared ADC with boyfriend.

1760. Kevin A Sister ADC 9/14/2020. My sister had a dream my family was having a cookout which is basically a weekly event for us, as we are all so close. She said there was nothing unique about the dream, it was just your standard run of the mill, scattered, visually clear but inconsistent experience. Suddenly she noticed my grandfather was sitting in a chair at the cookout so she went over to him. These are here exact words in an email to me: I asked, 'Why are you here? I don't understand how you got here?' He responded, 'I had to come back to tell you something. All of this stuff that you are worried about, all of the things you guys fight over and get upset about, it doesn't matter. None of that stuff matters. Just be happy.'
Brother shares his sister’s ADC dream.

1759. JoAnne V ADC 8/24/2020. Because others were there I spoke to my dad in thought telling him Shawn and I had come to say goodbye. I rode my bike home and walked into my front yard by a tree and asked my dad where he was as he certainly was not in that emaciated body. I heard him say I'm in the sky, I'm in the tree ( as I put my hand on the tree) I'm all around.
ADC at time of death of father.

1758. Kimberly S ADC 8/16/2020. She looked the exactly the same, but no wrinkles whatsoever. And her head was up (she lost control of her neck muscles) she looked so lovely and smiled with her eyes. I was taken aback because her eyes looked the same, but they were sparkling bright blue and the color was moving. She had the prettiest green eyes in her life.
ADC Dream from deceased mother.

1757. Therese R ADC 8/5/2020. From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. And suddenly on the left side next to Alex's tomb, in a height of about 2 meters, three steps away from myself I saw two lights. They weren't real lights as we know them, but pulsating electrical energy. At the top the light was like a transparent, shimmering loop of mist of around 4 cm wide and about 30 cm long, which was fluttering in the air and was pulsating, below the light was shorter, more narrow but much stronger, about 1 cm wide consisting of small, thick electrical sparks (similar to electricity or lightning) which were moving and pulsating at the same place.
ADC from deceased daughter.

1756. MB ADC 7/30/2020. Then, all of a sudden, quickly, I thought I heard something, and for a split second, I was spooked, because I was deeply thinking of him, I was not aware of my surroundings,. So, I focused my attention outward looking around for someone coming my way, that caused me to hunch down a little to hid myself a little, just in case there was someone there.
ADC from deceased father.

1755. M ADCs 7/27/2020. Some time this year, I dreamt of him coming with me to the US, where I was reunited with my living family, but there was so much happening on the streets - protesting with torches (this was not influenced by recent protests as it preceded them). He couldn't stay with me but we hugged and kissed goodbye.
Multiple ADCs from deceased friend.

1754. Paul vL ADC 7/25/2020. The other white cat, Kaskoeskilewan, jumped on the bed and started suckling my nipples. Which is something she had never before shown any inclination to and has also never shown it again after that single event. I couldn't deny what had happened. Something from the mind of Krokeledokus had jumped onto the other cat. Her mind had survived, at least for some time. I seldom told this story to other people, you don’t tell very easily about your nipple being suckled by a cat. It’s embarrassing.
ADC from deceased pet cat.

1753. Susan ADC 7/21/2020. Several months later, I was in my home, and I had had the first of a series of dreams, where I dreamt that my dad and I were driving around in my car, I have a small SUV (he was with me). I was driving and he was in the passenger seat, and then suddenly, it was just him driving. And he was exploring my town. I got the sense that he was trying to figure out if it was a good place for him.
Multiple ADCs from deceased father.

1752. Alexa H ADC 7/14/2020. Welcomed? Phil said it had been a STAMPEDE! They ran to him en masse, Leo the cat jumping into his arms, Tuxedo on top of his head, Misty the cat on a shoulder, Higgins the dog on another, while the Black Labs Bubba, Blackie, Benjamin the Good, sister Betty Lou and Hovawart Bootsie, Brigit the Wheaten terrier all leaping around him, as well as Bluetick hound Mama Dog and her pup, who'd had to be euthanized. Even Golden Retriever, Chekhov. What a Reunion!
Amazing ADC from deceased husband while on the phone with a friend. Great animal reunion.

1751. Outi ADC 7/2/2020. From Finland. Suddenly I felt weird, like a little bit electrified: like goose pumps but still not quite so. Like air had become thicker and heavier around me. I startled, stood up and paced around the room, wondering what's going on. I went to the window to look out, sun was shining and there were people passing by. All of a sudden I felt happy. No, not happy, it was so much more: absolute happiness and love that filled every inch and the smallest cell of my body.
ADC 12 days after husband died.

1750. Brian ADCs 6/13/2020. Went to bed in a bad mood and very sad, in the early morning hours I swear it felt as if someone got into bed ( felt bed go down) and an arm go around me as a lay there. Also has another experience one time about 2 years ago, where I clearly heard her voice call my name late at night, woke me up from sleep.
ADCs from deceased significant other.

1749. Jacqueline R ADC 6/7/2020. One night, my parents woke up in the middle of the night, and I wasn't in bed. So they found me in another room. I told them that I couldn't sleep. And suddenly, my grandmother appeared. She told me that she was fine, and I shouldn't be sad. She also told me that I should take care of my baby brother.
ADC dream from deceased grandmother at age 3.

1748. Sandra J ADC 6/2/2020. i thought wow, is this for real! i just stared at this in color partial (bust) hologram apparition of my husband. he appeared to be around 3-4 years old as i'd seen his resemblance in old photos! i noticed slight facial movements and the background was soft pink/violet. his hair was reddish brown and his face was a light flesh color. this all was depicted in a gray rectangle frame with rounded corners.
ADC from deceased husband. Remarkable that husband died at age 81 but appeared as age around 3-4.

1747. Michelle G ADC 5/4/2020. My partner got up on a stool to get the old cans of rice vinegar out. She thought she had grabbed everything and then I asked if she could wipe it down. Before she wiped it down, she pulled out a card. There was a card in my cupboard that said 'Daughter' and it had a clover in it and a quote addressed to a child from their parent. I just broke down crying in disbelief.
Multiple ADCs from father.

1746. David C ADC 5/3/2020. I was happy to get to bed. I was in a deep sleep when I felt a weight lie on the bed next to me and the most amazing feeling of love and peace and whilst it seems strange to say there was a feeling of golden light.
ADC from father at the moment of his death thousands of miles away.

716. Fran D ADC 11/10/07 & 4/29/20. The ball of light grew larger and when the light reached my bed, I clearly saw my brother. I am not sure if he was only apparent from the waist up, or it was because he was standing at the end of the bed, but I only saw him from the waist up. He was wearing white pants and a purple shirt, one of his favorite outfits, and the exact outfit my mom chose for him to be buried in. He was almost transparent, glowing, as if he had a light bulb inside of him. It was then that I saw my body sit up outside of it self.
ADC from deceased brother.

1744. Paige M ADC 4/26/2020. I was emptying the cupboard under her bathroom sink, and amid the used cleaning supplies and other odd, seldom-used toiletry items was an old, ratty makeup case, resting forgotten in the very back of the cupboard. I tossed it into the trash bag with the other items, and handed it to my husband to take outside. On the way down the driveway, carrying the lightly packed bag of loose detritus, the bag suddenly opened from the bottom, and out dropped a single item: the old make up bag.
ADC from deceased mother that led to finding valuable jewels.

1743. Joanna M ADC 4/7/2020. I had a clear vision of my husband, and we were holding hands and dancing. He was healthy and laughing and we were just spinning around. It was a beautiful dream, vision, what ever it was. I woke up and did not know where I was for a few moments.
ADC dream from deceased husband.

1742. Lo E ADCs 4/3/2020. From Spain. Original in Spanish. Translated to English by Camille. On Friday March 15th, 2019, I was on my way to the school to pick up my daughter. I was on a bike, I changed my route because I was going to do something else first and there I found a woman lying on the ground, she had suffered something, she had tripped while throwing garbage in a container, I do not know, but she was on the ground lying there, bleeding and with eyes half closed making strange noises with her mouth and nose ... It did not look good. We called the ambulance and when they arrived we started to perform CPR since she had stopped breathing. We spent about 30-40 minutes on it, until her death was declared.
ADCs from woman who she helped perform CPR on and died.

1741. Carrie C ADC 3/16/2020 & 7/19/2020. My husband had placed a tracking app on both of our phones named Life360. The app alerted each of our phones to know where the other could be found any time. A home alert would tell the other when we arrived or left. Same with a work alert. The app also recorded travel times between stops and the mph driven. Even a crash alert if detected. The app could destinguish if the person was walking, bicycling, motorcycle, bus, car, etc. This particular day, as I lay in bed with both his phone and my phone in bed with me, I kept ignoring the repeated alerts notifying my phone of my husband leaving our house and returning a total of 4 times through out the afternoon and evening.
Remarkable ADC from deceased husband in form of app that tracked his movements and found “We curiously opened the app on my phone to find the locations recorded of that of my husband indeed arriving at our home throughout the day before. The app recorded my husband appearing our of no where and arriving in a straight line to our home and at a speed of 200 mph on foot!”

1740. Cindy J ADC 3/11/2020. The sound coming down the hallway was the noise the someone in soft slippers makes as they shuffle along on a carpeted floor. I thought that it was my mother, so I said 'Mama, is that you?'. No answer. The shuffling sound slowed and it was then that she came into full view standing at my bedroom door. I couldn’t believe it. My heart jumped into my throat. I was terrified and I don’t think I had ever dove under the covers so fast! She was dressed as she always was when I visited her, a snap front house dress that was popular among older women, an apron, and those satin slippers.
ADC from recently deceased grandmother at age 16.

1739. Mike H ADC 3/3/2020. So, I 'spoke' to my wife (something I've done almost since she passed away, as it brings me solace and I have some sense of her presence). In an anguished fashion I asked her, very specifically, to have a close friend text me between 1pm and 2pm. I asked for a text because my friend would not be in a position to talk and it's the main way we communicate, also I specified the time because 1pm was the earliest she would be free.
ADC from deceased wife.

1738. Ewa Sister DBV 2/29/2020. From Poland. Original in Polish, translated to English by Mateusz She described herself as being in a great beautiful garden that was in a meadow full of flowers and plants. It was so beautiful. A man, who radiated light and who was dressed in a white gown/robe, was smiling at her and calling her to come closer. She was running towards him, full of joy at the sight of those unearthly views of paradise.
DBV as witnessed by Ewa's mother and told to her about her sister.

1737. Kia ADC 2/7/2020. All of a sudden I heard a loud banging on my window. All shocked I jumped up, looking at the window. I thought somebody is in my garden! Banging at my window! I took a closer look, ready to fight the burglar, but there was no one there! Then I knew this had to be my grandmother.
ADC from deceased grandmother.

1736. Terry P ADCs 2/4/2020. After my husband died, I frequently was started to see a white mist or smoky substance coming from electrical appliances. First time was when I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at my electric digital alarm clock to see a white mist rising from it. This repeated itself over many nights when I woke up. Then, I began seeing the mist coming from other electrical things -- my TV cable box, electric clocks, etc. It always happened if I awakened during the night.
ADCs from deceased husband.

1735. Beatriz M ADCs 2/1/2020. I was scolding Michael (my deceased husband) for not having communicated with me. I was telling him I wanted to know if he was OK. I suddenly saw some white smoke coming out from the night table (or so I thought).
ADCs from deceased husband.

1734. Diane A ADC 1/26/2020. I could hear her speaking but I could not focus on what she was saying. She did not sound upset. She was very casual as if leaving a voicemail message. At one point, I heard a male voice in the room say 'that's interesting.' It was not my father's voice.
ADC dream from deceased mother.

1733. Josee T ADC 1/20/2020. From Canada He tells me everything is perfect and then (And this is the best part) He hugs me for about a minute but WOW!! what I felt was tremendous Love, Inner peace that doesn't exist on earth, no fear NOTHING.
ADC dream from deceased brother.

1732. Violet ADCs 1/20/2020. I put her name in with a group that had services and prayer specifically for spirits that needed help crossing over. This is where it gets interesting. About six months later, I had a dream that my mom and I attended a church service and it was Easter Sunday. This was a small church that had pews across from each other so you’d be looking directly at other people instead of up front. We actually used to go to that church. We sat down, and I pointed across and said, “Look mom who came for Easter. It’s Anne.” At that point, right where my finger was pointing and like touching, her whole body turned to light. This dream was very real different from other dreams.
Multiple ADC dreams.

1731. Gustavo P ADC 1/13/2020. From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean. I asked him what happens there, if he was really dead, he replied, that he couldn't come to me, that I would go to where he was, it was a white place, with white smoke, and he went to this cloudy place, he was radiant and well physically, he had died from cirrhosis, at 55 years, and he wanted to say to me that he was well and that he was in this good place filled with light, and peace, and his suffering was over.
ADC dream from deceased friend’s father.

1730. Linda D ADCs 1/11/2020. I felt like I was transported back to the time when I was eight years old listening to my Uncle practice that very piece in my grandmothers dining room. It was as though I was right back there in that time almost like I was watching a movie. It was at that moment that I knew that he would not live. Then I drove a few feet further and then something that I can’t explain happened. It was a beautiful sunny day outside and yet it became very dark in my car and especially in the back seat. And when that darkness happened I literally jumped from my seat and I gasped. I felt a presence and there will never be any question about that in my mind!
Two ADCs from deceased uncle.

1729. Joni C ADC 1/11/2020. My husband came to me in a dream. In the dream he told me the secret to heaven was love, kindness, honesty and peace. I could not see his face but I knew it was him. It was his voice full of love and wonder. I know he wanted to show me the way. I still remember this dream vividly. It is still a wonderful memory.
ADC dream from deceased husband.

1728. Stella P ADC 1/4/2020. From South Africa As I drove home, I had called my friend on my mobile and I remember mentioning to her that the clouds were spectacular. As soon as I got home, I took my phone and snapped a picture of the clouds. I went inside and forgot about the photograph. Two days later I was at the office, and something told me to look at the photograph that I took. And that is when I saw it - my sons face in the sky.
ADC from deceased son with picture of clouds that look like son.

1727. Deesa A ADC 12/22/2019. From Iceland They had to work their right to move on and gain access to better existence by doing spiritual tasks they were assigned. First my grandma came but then suddenly had to go, and she didn't even control it. The room we were in talking started shaking like an earthquake was happening and she went shooting out the window. I then walked down to a lobby of a building and there was my grandpa.
ADC dream from deceased grandparents.

1726. Mike H ADCs 12/17/2019. Since my wife passed away in September last year, I have had a number of ADCs, some of them quite dramatic and to my mind some are so statistically improbable as to be impossible. I have experienced also the power of prayer, this too was dramatic, extremely specific and verifiable.
ADCs from deceased wife.

1725. Mark T ADC 12/15/2019. Having breakfast at a hotel in krakow, poland. I felt a fairly strong breeze on my right wrist. we were in a corner with no windows or door. i said to my wife that was quite a breeze. she said she felt nothing. i joked and said it was a ghost. that night i was asleep and it felt like the back of my head opened and a bright light filled the area and i have never felt so at peace and so happy. all of a sudden i am walking towards my dad. he is sitting at a table in krakow's main square. i looked towards the ground and i can see i am holding on to someone else's hand. i assume it was my wife's.I could not see any legs or body. we were approaching my dad and he was smiling but just as we got close i woke up.
ADC dream from deceased father.

1724. Joe G ADC 11/23/2019. But before I could do that on the last interruption, the screen changed to a black screen with this message 'I AM MARY GILDORE.' Shocked and surprised, I screamed so loud that my 11 yr old grandson, Jesu, who was upstairs playing video games, came running down asking me, what had happened.
Remarkable ADC from deceased wife on iPad.

1723. Rob F ADC 11/2/2019. From Australia Only one week since my partner's death so I was lethargic but mostly alert. I was facing away from the door, lying on my right side as I often do. I heard the bedroom door open slightly and gentle footsteps on the carpet to her side of the bed. I then felt the bed sink behind me, weight against my back and an arm under mine and across my chest in a gentle cuddle.
ADC from deceased life partner.


1722. Serge G ADC 11/2/2019. From France. Original in French, Translated to English by Marguy. It is close to 3am in the morning, it's very cold, we are in the car in the countryside when we my partner and I, suddenly see a globe of fire of the size of a big ball of soccer, crossing the street in front of our vehicle.
ADC from deceased son who died in car accident.

1721. Feriha ADC 10/31/2019. From Turkey One night ı had a dream of him. In the dream he told me they were beating him, he kept telling them please dont hurt me but they kept on hitting him. The rest was shown to me not spoken. I saw two beautiful angels with wings holding his shoulders and taking him up. The next morning ı told my mother about this dream, and she told me he died as a result of being beaten.
ADC dream of uncle being killed on night he died at age 10-11

1720. Sarah L ADC 10/29/2019. The dial continued to read, 'Bye.' Daily details: On Wednesday there was a disruption to the radio. It went in and out, finally going to silence. It came back on to the song Memories by Maroon 5. This song is about the loss of a loved one. After work on Thursday, the message disappeared. I started crying hysterically. The message came back, but then went away again before I could leave the parking lot. The message reappeared again. It offered me great relief.
ADC from deceased brother.

1719. Rebecca K ADC 10/28/2019. I tried to scream and nothing would come out I tried to move and I could not move as I was frozen in terror. As he approached me all of a sudden arms were holding me and I was at complete peace and I knew it John I could feel his arms around me I think I even touched one arm.
ADC from spouse she married 2 ½ months previously.

1718. Mona ADCs 10/24/2019. Not even a split second passed before (now we were the only ones there nearer to closing time apart from a group that joined mid-way through my story) the door behind me opened and the group repeated J's name over and over and over again, saying 'J is here'. It wasn't just once. It was REPEATED. 'J is here' 'J is here'. And long enough for me to point this out to my friend who had time to listen and hear it. At the same time, a song played that made me think of him.
ADCs from deceased friend.

1717. Peter G ADC 10/19/2019. I had this dream about the two of us. We were so incredibly happy. We were running, playing, and laughing in the field that was just incredibly beautiful. So vivid and storybook like I cannot put it into words. We never spoke, but kept looking at each other with great love and joy.
ADC dream following suicide of life partner.

1716. Angela C ADC 10/16/2019. From Italy. Original in Italian I felt its presence, as if it were there physically, and beyond the dark shape I saw some marvelous blue eyes, its eyes, which stared at me, surrounded by a marvelous halo of indigo blue that stretched to the ends of his face, almost like a neon light, but much, much more intense.
ADC that happened while she was in an OBE state.

1715. Christie B ADC 10/14/2019. A whirlwind, or small sort of tornado, suddenly formed out of nowhere and it hit me, being witnessed by others. After it hit me, the whirlwind dissipated. It seemed very supernatural, and was shocking, but after thought and consideration, I realize it must have been her. The wind suits her. My uncle has also heard the chimes play that she used to love, without any breeze, twice- first when he approached them, and again when I mentioned to him I wanted to name my first daughter after her, the chimes mysteriously played again on a still day.
ADC from deceased grandmother.

1714. Betty R ADCs 10/10/2019. Vivid dream while sleeping - I was in my garage trying to put Christmas decorations in the attic. My husband appeared, seemed a little younger, happy, dressed in yellow polo and black slacks. He said nothing at first. I called his name and he said 'Yes, it's me'. His voice, his smile, him to a T. I asked what was he doing here. He said he had figured out a way to come back but he couldn't stay long. They would miss him and know he was gone. We hugged and kissed. He was warm and felt real. He offered to help put the decorations away. He helped for about a minute then said he had to go back because they would miss him. I asked if he could come back again. He said he would try to do it again. He faded.
ADCs from deceased husband.

1713. Tony R ADC 10/10/2019. I proceed to tell my wife about a dream that I had that same morning. Kerry was a farmer but, he was a Harley rider and never liked to wear helmets when riding. He also had this really long beard. In my dream, we were at the steps of a church and he was in a all white suit. Now, Kerry doesn't wear suits. I'm not sure if he even owned one.
ADC dream on night his brother-in-law died in a motorcycle accident.

1712. Michelle B ADC 10/10/2019. I was sitting on the edge of my bed and looking at my phone . I felt it for 1-3 seconds maybe 5 not sure as fast as he came he left . I felt something go through me . In and out so as they passed through me I felt like on a roller coaster or spinned around through me with out ever moving. Happened so fast like 2-3 seconds fast. Immediately I was like that was Noah he came and said a final goodbye he New I wasnt there . I felt peaceful and happy ! I thanked Jesus because I just New he allowed him to visit me because I’d been so sad since I couldn’t attend.
ADC from deceased friend.

1711. Karen M ADC 9/28/2019. I had a very lucid dream that I remember so clearly. I was standing about 10 feet outside a group of about 8 people who were all standing in a circle. They weren't regular people. They were beautiful, lovely, kind and strong people who were shining bright. They were talking together and sometimes singing. I watched them for awhile, amazed at what I was seeing. Then the one closest to me, whose back was to me at the time, turned around and walked to me. She was so pretty--lovely long hair and a kind face. She walked right up to me and started talking to me.
ADC dream from deceased grandmother.

1710. Cindy C ADC 9/10/2019. It was a live feed that she was doing at the time. I watched for a few minutes and then decided I didn't want to watch any longer and clicked off to play a word game on my phone instead. Just when I did, my son's friend messaged me on fb messenger. She said she just wanted to share something with me. She said she had just been watching a live feed with a psychic and the psychic suddenly got frustrated and said 'Ok I'll say it. I'll say it.' Then the psychic reported 'I'm seeing a young man snapping his fingers, snapping his fingers. Then the young man says 'Tell my mom that's what she is hearing' Wow! This was so amazing!
ADC from deceased son.

1709. Sandy G ADC 8/22/2019. From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. There was no source from where the light came. This light radiated safety and shelter and I didn't hear any sound. It was so silent and quiet, like I never heard anything. I don't know how you hear in a weightless room, but this is how I connect this 'not hearing'. I knew, I'm here in this light, in this unlimited room and at the same time I saw myself for a moment from above. Next thing, I could perceive that I was laying/floating in this room in an embrace with a being, that had no body as I also did. I couldn't really distinguish arms and hands, and also no face, yet I knew 'you are familiar to me - I know you'. This feeling I felt in this embrace is hard to put into words
ADC dream from father at the time of his death. In English and German.

1708. Tina F ADC 8/7/2019. My daughter lived in Philadelphia and this event was on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Becca was supposed to attend, driving down from Philly, to participate and photograph her cousin's events leading up to the wedding. She was supposed to be arriving at 5:00 pm but it was not unlike her to be late. My text to her at 4:00 'are you on your way' was nothing out of the ordinary. However, at exactly 4:30 pm my heart literally stopped - I cannot describe what I felt other than to say that there was a rip in the fabric of my world.
ADC at time of death of daughter with remarkable awareness shortly after she died.

1707. Veronika H ADCs 8/3/2019. Suddenly I felt a sensation of pressure around both of my forearms right above my wrists. There was no touch, but a pressure from what felt like a ball of vibrating, buzzing energy squeezing my wrists. The ball of energy surged stronger growing larger as it moved up my arms, and then disbursed into my body. It was one short, but very distinct and strong jolt of energy that for a moment took my breath away.
ADCs from recently deceased father.

1706. Kandi C ADC 7/14/2019. The same old box I had gone through a million times with stuff from the Connick Mack World Series of baseball where they played together. I know the contents in that box by heart. I have seen it a million times. I was surprised when looking through it because a picture I have never seen before fell out from inbetween the side of the box where the flaps were. It was a picture of my dad with Erick Raich and another player Rick Burleson with their baseball trophy in my back yard. I know that picture was never there before.
ADC from deceased father.

1705. Margaret S ADC 7/14/2019. I was sitting on the couch, wiping my tears and blowing my nose, when I heard his voice, clear as a bell, inside my head: “I knew it as soon as I hit the water” ~ he died trying to rescue his dinghy, which had detached from his sailboat, which was moored to a log boom on Lake Champlain. He had no way back to shore without the dinghy. I know in my heart he didn’t even think once about the temperature of the water.
ADC from deceased friend.

1704. Monica ADCs 7/9/2019. From Spain. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Chuck I did not lose hope and I spent the whole day giving her massage, kisses because I thought she could still eliminate liquids and survive. Thoughout the night I stayed alone with her and I can say I did not go to sleep. I had a vision of several men dressed in black suits, six or eight, perhaps, next to the bathroom door, with their arms lowered in a position of waiting.
Mother’s deathbed vision and also contributor’s entity encounter and ADCs.

1703. Diana W ADC 6/22/2019. David later told me that he'd never been to Macon, Ga. before,.... but on blind faith,.. he took the man's advice, and went. Within minutes of arriving, he met, me. (the site was Tobesofkee recreational area, I was a historical reenactor, our org. was having a reenactment weekend there that was more or less closed to the public,.... but since it was a public area,... outsiders were on-site.
Very long account of her husband dying and then years later meeting a man who shared remarkable characteristics with her deceased husband.

1702. Geetika ADC 6/20/2019. I found it on my bed and when I activated its screen by long pressing * button, the name of the recently deceased was 'right there'. I was dumbfounded. It was just as if a person had searched her contact from my phone's contact list and when her name came up on the screen, that person just left the phone there and went his way.
ADC in India involving cell phone from co-worker who died of pancreas cancer around age 28.

1701. Tina F ADC 6/11/2019. Last night I finally dozed off and heard Lisa's voice loud and clear but I couldn't make out the words. When I opened my eyes her face was right in front of my face and she started to laugh then in a split second she was gone. I sat straight up in bed.
ADC from deceased friend.

1700. Barbara S ADC 6/8/2019. My grandma knew my mother was on the other line. It kept ringing in short spurts. My grandma attempted to call back and just couldn't get through, she said 'Damn it' as she tried over and over again. She was very frustrated and it made me sad that I could not help her. I was not able to interact in this dream, only observe. My grandma did not know I was there in this dream I believe.
ADC dream from deceased grandmother.

1699. Keith K ADC 6/8/2019. Suddenly I felt Myrna's presence on the porch right in front of me. I felt her kiss my lips. They tingled, and I put my hand to my mouth. All of this was very startling and surprising to me, although it felt completely normal at the same time. Then I heard her say that she loved me as much as ever and she was OK. By this time I was a little stunned. Then I looked down and there was a greeting card on my lap that was not there before.
Detailed ADC from deceased wife.

1698. Ann E ADC 5/24/2019. While I was driving, I suddenly felt like I was remembering something that had happened and living it at the same time. My girlfriend's father and I were at a table in a restaurant laughing and joking about something. We were having a very good time and we were both very happy. It was fun, and we laughed the whole time. It was like I was there and driving down the highway at the same time.
ADC shortly after girlfriend’s father’s death.

1697. Blake J ADCs 5/22/2019. He came kind of farther away and got closer and closer and all around him was this white light. It was so warm and loving. It made me feel so good in that very moment and it was so strong. I can not deny all the love and happiness and peacefulness it brought to me.
DC dream from uncle.

1696. Victor C ADC 5/12/2019. The point is, that it was a unique identifier for my father. In response to my sister's question, you hear a other worldly and beautiful voice respond and say, 'He will be with you shortly, Inshallah'. I wish to emphasize how beautiful that voice was on the recording. It sounded so sweet and heavenly.
ADC from deceased father as a recording of his voice.

1695. Randy S ADC 5/12/2019 & 7/24/24. No radio, no TV, and the sound of no crying felt great. Shortly after, I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands and for a moment was standing looking at my reflection in the mirror, thinking about nothing in particular, when I heard in a normal speaking voice, the sound of a woman coming from my son's bedroom (but also maybe in my head) say, ' I love you.' It was in a very tender, sincere way a loving mother admires her child.
ADC from wife’s deceased mother.

1694. Charles L ADC 5/12/2019. We had been married 21 years at that point and there had never been music from the box before. I think the total playing time was around 15-20 seconds. We've now been married 30 years and the box has been silent since that evening.
ADC from deceased uncle.

1693. Melina D ADC 5/12/2019. From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sam. The dream that grabbed my attention the most occured a week and a half after he died. He asked me to pray for him, for our son, and for me. He told me he loved me and missed me. It was like there was a limit on what we could say to each other.
ADC dream from husband who comitted suicide six weeks previously. In English and Spanish.

1692. Lilian G ADC 5/5/2019. 3 months exactly after he passed away, i saw him in my dream. at first, i thought it was real, he was with his brothers talking and having a good time then i approached him, he was sitting so he stood up and faced me, his words were, 'I am now healed Lilian' (he's the only one in the family that calls me Lilian, not Lil, not Lily, not Yan, not Lils but Lilian)
ADC dream from deceased father.

1691. Shawna P ADC 5/5/2019. Our laptop must be opened and a password typed to get to the open screen where my screensaver is a photo of my family. I have the laptop connected by an hdmi cable to our tv. We always shut off everything at night. At about 3am I went to go get some water from our kitchen.
ADC from deceased mother.

1690. Peggy S ADC 5/5/2019. I think it was 2 to 3 months later I had gotten home from work, taken a shower and was sitting on the edge of the bed fixing to get dressed. I became aware of the same overpowering smell of orange spray exactly like the funeral home had sprayed because it was 3 days before my brother's body was found.
ADC from brother who committed suicide.

1689. Karen L ADC 5/3/2019. They were colorful, like they were reflected off xmas tree lights, at first just randomly winking on like they were trying to get my attention. Then, they winked and stayed on, and started moving around randomly. Then they organized their movements together, zooming around like birds would, in a figure eight pattern through the archway between the living and family rooms, still keeping about 10-12' away from me.
ADC from deceased son.

1688. Pam M ADC 5/1/2019. I see my mom, but much younger. Late 20's or 30's. I can only see her from her shoulders up, and her arms are raised to the air and she's happy and glowing in the orange swirl, almost like someone pushing up from the bottom of a swimming pool. She is looking up and the main thing I felt was warmth and contentment. And happiness. And lightness of being.
ADC dream from mother who recently died.

1687. Sandra C ADC 5/1/2019. Suddenly, a bright orb of light came down, through the ceiling and flew into my chest. My vision was filled with the brightest, whitest light I have ever seen, but it didn't bother me. As soon as the orb entered my chest, I knew it was my grandmother Cecilia, she was speaking to me, inside my mind. She came to tell me goodbye, and to tell me everything was going to be all right, and she loved me.
ADC from grandmother around time of her death.

1686. Teri L ADC 4/29/2019. I recalled playing with what he called 'baby hairs,' which were the soft curly ones that lined his forehead. They were still soft to the touch. I then remembered holding his index finger as a little girl, when my hand was so small. I was sobbing uncontrollably and I went to touch his index finger. Then a sports announcer's voice began blaring over the speaker system describing a sports game going on, where it was 'raining like cats and dogs out on the field today.' It made me stop crying and I wanted to start laughing, but I wasn't able to just yet. I initially thought, 'it's okay' and that it was God telling me not to cry. The radio got turned off and I returned to saying goodbye to my father's body, but it just wasn't the same.
ADC from father who had recently died.

1685. Serena ADCs 4/29/2019. I felt my grandpa's presence. Just like in the other experience, I could not physically see him, but I could sort of see him with my inner eyes. I could also see my uncle. My grandfather hugged me from behind. I just suddenly felt him hugging me, embracing my whole body, his arms around me and his body against my back.
ADC from uncle and grandfather at time of personal crisis.

1684. Paul G ADC 4/22/2019. He fly seemed to be trying to communicate as kept walking to the headset socket, after doing this a few times it then moved to the logo on the keyboard. It spent about a minute on each character of the logo, except the last one, and then flew away. It was then that I realized it had spelt my ex-wife's name, Val.
ADC from deceased ex-wife.

1683. Mary K ADC 4/18/2019. The weird thing was however, that my phone kept on ringing after I had answered it, continuing to ring while my father spoke. It took him a while to get out the words that she had died and then it hit me, that I had helped her cross over by aleviating her concerns.
ADC from grandmother that she helped in the dying process.

1682. Marianne D ADC 4/14/2019. I saw a man out there on our dock by our boathouse. I instantly grabbed for my gun on the bedstand, just normal reaction. Our property is 3 acres, a long skinny lot, and to get to our home, is a very long way down a very long driveway, which even has a locked gate. So to see someone out there is very rare. I sat and watched this man quietly
ADC from deceased father.

1681. Rene O ADCs 4/10/2019. On the day she passed, in the morning, I could not stop crying and being terribly depressed. I couldn't explain to my husband what was wrong and I didn't understand it myself but I had no control of it. my husband and I and our two children were living in Colorado on the army base and my mother and father were in Florida. I was at work at the daycare center and it became 4 in the afternoon. I'm not a big fan of Chinese food really but I had an insatiable craving to have it for dinner.
ADCs from deceased mother.

1680. Cathy K ADC 4/7/2019. She was smiling at me like she was teaching me something. She made the cardinal jump up and down and sing and I remember laughing because it looked funny… I went back to sleep and woke up in the morning. I forgot that I had forgotten my dream. I went out to sit on my back porch. I was not thinking about anything. Suddenly a cardinal flew through the sky
Remarkable ADC with detailed visit with her friend who died of cancer at age 17. Experience happened a few days prior to submission.

1679. Jazmine B ADCs 3/28/2019. Her hair was still in short dread locs and she did not have her oxygen in (she had COPD and couldn't live without oxygen). My mother was on oxygen for years. She looked at me and smiled but no words came from her mouth. I heard her voice in my head saying 'I love you', 'I am ok', 'Finish your book', 'Watch Tyreq' (Tyreq is one of my sons). Then I came out of my meditation.
ADC from deceased mother during meditation. Also ADC from deceased mother.

1678. Sarah O ADC 3/24/2019. I watched it over and over again, I don't know how many times, at least a dozen if not twice that. I watched this light, an orb, in the alley. It would always return to where it started, and meander around out there a bit, before shooting straight toward the overhead door.
ADC from deceased partner.

1677. Kelly P ADC 3/24/2019. There was her baby blanket from when she was a baby, which became mine and my sisters when we were all young; a dress she had saved from when I was a toddler because she loved it so much and it reminded her of me as a baby; journals of her writing and drawings (Art was her favorite past time); a shirt that I had bought her on a trip to Catalina the summer just after her initial diagnosis; a stuffed animal she had sewn for my dad
ADC from deceased mother.

1676. Stan S ADCs 3/18/2019. Knew my Father was 'making up his mind' if he wished to continue living, or Pass On to the Next Life.10 mins. later, lead surgeon came to tell me, my Mother, and my step-sister (from my Father's first marriage), my Father had Passed Away on the Operating Room table in the Hospital.While in the elevator to go to the lowest floor (with the Nurse, who needed us to sign papers), the elevator SHOT UPWARDS PAST THE LAST FLOOR, and was 'stuck' there for 20 mins., approximately. Dad was saying 'Good Bye.
ADCs from father and mother around the times of their deaths.

1675. Cara ADCs 3/16/2019. The colors were vivid and real but like in a Technicolor movie. I saw a young man walking in a brown uniform from the military looking straight like heading somewhere. As I zoomed in to see his face, I realized it was my dad. He was young. Then it was over that quick. Not long after that but at night I woke up and my ceiling opened up and I saw a man's arm waving in the air and saw it was my dad's because I recognized the ring he always wore.
ADC dreams of father and pet dog.

1674. Stephanie Y ADC 3/16/2019. They were full of love, affection and they were hilarious. I FELT they were extremely funny - as great comedians are - without either of them saying anything, and I sensed, as they came closer, they were accompanying, or even, guiding Bill. As they got to the foot of the steps of the deck the two beings, with reverence and respect, stood aside. Bill climbed the steps and sat opposite me on the picnic bench. I said 'Bill! Wow. You look great!'
ADC dream with deceased father in law. Remarkable and detailed ADC.

1673. Tiffany S ADCs 3/15/2019. As I walked towards her, I shouted 'Is it a butterfly?' When I approached her, I saw an orange butterfly on the ground. She looked at me and asked, 'How did you know mom?' I replied, 'I didn't know, but was hoping so.'
ADCs from deceased brother.

1672. Sibylle H ADC 3/13/2019. From Germany. My mood switched between pure joy and gratitude but also fear, as I hadn't felt that way before and as I was losing all control over my body. The feeling of not being able to turn your own body around anymore was scaring me, but the rise of pure energy in my body also made me feel ecstatic. So I told my Dad that I was so happy that he was giving me a visit and that I was finally getting my clear sign. All this conversation started in a telepathic way as I was not able to speak.
ADC from recently deceased father. ADC happened about three weeks ago.

1671. Lana R ADC 2/25/2019. After noticing the first appearance, a post that had the words remember me showed up in my timeline stream. I figuredit was because she wanted to be remembered so I made a fb post honoring her. The friend suggestion went away. Well it came back today 2/24/2019 so I decided to check if she had been buried properly. She had not. The county had cremated her and no one wanted her remains so they were with the county. I believe she came to me so that I could claim her remains so she could rest.
ADC from daughter’s grandmother.

1670. Katy S ADC 2/24/2019. I was walking with my uncle through the woods only he looked completely different than he did when I knew him. He was in his 30s I would guess, but I never knew him when he was that young, but somehow I just knew it was him. Like my soul recognized his.
ADC dream from uncle who died two days previously.

1669. Wen P ADC 2/20/2019. When I was almost 4 yrs old, my maternal grandmother (who lived almost 1,000 miles away), woke me up by lifting me from my bed. I was literally floating in the air. I knew who she was immediately by spiritual connection without knowing mentally who she was because I had only seen her a handful of times. She was transparent but shiny like a bunch of tiny lights almost like bright static. My first emotion was complete terror at the feeling of being suspended in the air. (I STILL have nightmares about that particular sensation... but I also have wonderful dreams about the sensation.) She spoke to me and said 'Don't be afraid, Wendi-Bird.'
ADC at age 3 ½ at time of unexpected death of grandmother. Confirmed information she received that she could not have otherwise known.

1668. Julie P ADC 2/19/2019. About a week later I was back in Texas and was shopping at Hobby Lobby - while walking down the aisles I saw a picture frame with the words 'I love you a bushel and a peck'. I was surprised but then I just chalked it up to coincidence. A few days after that I was going up and down the aisles of a big antique mall and I saw the saying again on a wooden sign.
ADC from deceased mother in form of one of her favorite sayings.

1667. Steve B ADC 2/17/2019. This dream was entirely different. In this dream, he was beautiful. I could say he was 'in his prime', but that does not express just how beautiful he was. The dream was brief. It consisted entirely of his looking deeply into my eyes, and I looking deeply into his. This very deep eye contact was the entire dream. There were no words. I am not sure, but as I was waking up, I thought three things. But as I reflected on these things, I have come to consider that these thoughts were 'transmitted' to me during the dream, and I 'translated' them to words, as I awakened.
ADC dream from deceased father.

1666. Corinne K ADC 2/4/2019. I saw my grandpa standing by himself a several feet from the other ghosts. He looked solid, tall, and healthy. He looked like he had in pictures taken around fifteen years before he died. We hugged each other. I told him I missed him. He said he missed me, too. I asked if he was ok. He said “watch this,”. All of a sudden we were outside, in the front yard of our home.
ADC dream. Contributor is age 8, and experience happened at age 8.

1665. Leslie K ADC 1/30/2019. Before I had the chance to be disappointed the door would not open, I saw my dad. He was tall, solid, and healthy again. I was so relieved to see him that I forgot he passed away.
ADC dream from father who died several weeks previously from cancer.

1664. Fiona P ADCs 1/30/2019. Last summer, I traveled south to bring my older son to college. Every time we stepped outside of our vehicle or any building a monarch butterfly would stay around us. It became so as we would comment on its constant presence, even after driving miles.
ADCs from deceased family members.

1663. Bonnie C ADC 1/13/2019. I was crying again knowing that he was going to leave me. He took me even higher and then beyond him I could see a large area of light, with a tall building made of light and I knew that was heaven. In my head I told him not to leave me but he said it was time for him to go, people were waiting.
Exceptional ADC as a shared unworldly experience with her deceased son.

1662. Julia J ADCs 1/11/2019. From the UK. One day I came out of my back door and my mum and dad were there looking lovely and had beaming smiles on their faces and were leaning against my garage doors and looked young and happy. They were holding hands and just sort of faded out of view.
ADCs from deceased parents.



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