David S ADCs
Experience description:
Life After Death Contact Experience between the Living
David Sereda and his deceased wife, Crystal Sereda - who died on August 9th, 2021
The Greatest question I have after studying Near Death Experiences (NDEs) for over 30 years, is that do we exist inside the same universe and hence the same solar system, but on a different vibrational level?
"Pythagoras experienced and taught that all the sidereal bodies were alive and that the forms of the planets and stars were merely bodies encasing souls, minds, and spirits in the same manner that the visible human form is but the encasing vehicle for an invisible spiritual organism which is, in reality, the conscious individual. Pythagoras regarded the planets as magnificent deities worthy of the adoration and respect of man. All these deities, however, he considered subservient to the One First Cause within whom they all existed temporarily, as mortality exists in the midst of immortality."
What is about to happen, is that my deceased wife, Crystal Sereda, will fulfill what the Greek Goddess Harmony set forth thousands of years ago with one simple number that will recalibrate our entire Solar System to the Golden Ratio! That number is 591!
The Greek Symbol for Harmony is Phi, the Golden Ratio and the Goddess Harmony, the Goddess born of Venus (Aphrodite).
The Golden Ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618. Usually written as the Greek letter phi, it is strongly associated with the Leonardo Fibonacci’s mathematical sequence, a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 etc. 5 divided by 3 = 1 to 1.6666 - 34 divided by 21 is as 1 to 1.619 and so it keeps progressing until you get to 1.6180339887 and beyond.
There is a scene in the marriage of Philology and Mercury, where the Goddess Harmony comes into a wedding feast decorated in ornate gold attire with the God Apollo (an Olympian) and Pallas (Son of a Titan) accompanying her! Apollo is a God of Music and Pallas a God of Warcraft!
Harmony is holding a “Golden Wheeled” musical instrument, which has a series of ratio wheels within it that wells up a kind of music at the wedding fest that is beyond all instruments ever heard on Earth before this moment. She stuns her audience. She describes its secret to be from the motions of the planets, which beckons her audience to the deepest of all musical secrets!
No one to this day has decoded the music of the Spheres of the planets of our solar system. Crystal Sereda, as a trained singer and musician was obsessed with the Goddess Harmony for a time during when we produced a segment in our documentary film “The Voice” about Harmony and the Music of the Spheres! Little did I know, after her death, she would communicate the lost secret, from beyond this life!
On the night of August 9th, 2021, my beloved wife, Crystal Sereda, tragically passed away on the anniversary of the nuclear destruction of Nagasaki in 1945. As she was taken from me in her last moments, I could hear her calling out to me through a static sound like an AM radio station coming from my staff beside our bed. Jesus proclaimed in Mark 6:1-8 that the Apostles had to have their staffs with them upon dispersing them around the world to preach the Gospels and conduct Healings! My staff is made to perfection based on the Biblical Measurement codes and transmits frequencies 24 hours per day next to my bed!
Hearing her frantic voice calling my name a few times, I awoke and hastily tracked the location of her phone, which revealed that it had gone way up into a mountain forest path. I was terrified. The next morning, I got our 2 daughters, Astaria (then 5) and Alyra (then 10), our Husky puppy, Halo, Crystal’s Mom Ashley and we hiked up that trail. I had no idea if she left her phone up there, because this is a common daily hike for locals. It is about 1 mile steep upwards to a town lookout. Lots of people were coming down and no one seemed alarmed about anything. I had no reason to suspect the worst. When we got to the top, I found her pink purse set under a nice pine tree. Her cell was inside with a card that told us she had taken her life. I then looked over the steep edge of the cliff and saw her butterfly scarf stuck against the granite face of the massive cliff. I knew she was gone and we all just cried. The rescue of her body was a long process that Crystal’s Mom dealt with while I got the children home to safety. It was a long hike down that trail of tears! The whole story of her death and the medications she was forced to take against her will for post partum illness is too private for this story!
After dealing with great trauma to our family, we came to Crystal’s cremation!
With great reverence, we collaborated with Jimmy Blanchette to honor Crystal's memory: powerful audio recordings of her voice were emitted on a harmonic antenna at 432 megahertz and 125,000 watts of power toward the Sun, the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. It was an incredible way to send off my beloved wife! Why 432 megahertz?
Jesus and the 72 to 432 Secret code - Jesus had 72 disciples and 12 Apostles
Matthew has 27 Generations between King David and Joseph
27 x 2 (Musical Octave) 5 Octaves = 432
The sun stops moving for 3 days during Winter Solstice (3 days of darkness)
The Radius of the Sun is 432,450 miles
Jesus said he will rise after 3 days (is he referring to the Sun at Winter Solstice?)
3 days 24 hours x 3 = 72 hours x 60 minutes per hour = 4320 Minutes = 432 code
Upon Crystal Sereda's cremation, we sent a treasured recording of her songs and our two daughter's voices to the Sun! A radio transmission requires 8 minutes and 21 seconds to reach the sun- the exact amount of time it takes for infrared light generated from our hearts and bodies to reach the sun. This is remarkable considering Crystal (born September 24th, 1979, at 8 pounds & 21 ounces) and I (August 21st, 1961 - or 8-21-1961) were coded with the Earth to Sun.
I tracked the days since her passing to see if any pattern had emerged, and it did. Astoundingly, night after night, she called my name—" David!" perfectly audible —exactly on the 9th of every month for several months. I shared details with our daughters Alyra and Astaria Sereda each time I was jolted awake by this occurrence. Every time the girls were around, they enthusiastically lit up and shared their stories. When addressing me, she spoke my name in a gentle voice that stood noticeably apart from any mental dialogue -- scarcely more than a few syllables yet perfectly audible.
One night, Astaria suddenly woke up and saw her mother, Crystal, in a luminous bright vision before her with a brilliant circle of light radiating from the top of her head to the soles of her feet wearing a luminous, shining, beautiful white dress. That's how my six-year-old daughter described the vision at that moment. Although I could not witness this phenomenon myself, as I watched her, she seemed transfixed by the vision until finally drifting off to sleep again.
Crystal called out my name in the middle of the night on precise intervals of time from the date of her death to that time and date. 234, 432, and 243 all share the same numerical elements. This is no coincidence as Crystal Sereda called out my name on these dates, occurring after her death by 234 days and 243 days, respectively. On April 9th, 2022, 243 days after her death, we commemorated the 8-month mark since her passing, making this day a reminder to reflect on what lies beneath these figures: 432 being a harmonic frequency for an optimal middle "A" note that perfects our flawed 440 music scale, while 243 stands symbolically for Planet Venus, Dante's 3rd Sphere of Heaven.
After I conducted my research, it came to light that Venus has the longest day-and-night cycle in our Solar System –– taking a full 243.0226 Earth days for one rotation around the Sun! On top of this astounding fact, Venus also counterrotates relative to Earth and all other planets. Furthermore, Dante's experiential system places Venus as its third level of Heaven– thus establishing an undeniable life-after-death connection between NDEs and the planet Venus. When my wife shared her story on what she saw after passing away - was she telling me she had gone to Dante's 3rd Level of Heaven? This revelation left me astounded at just how much power lay outside our earthly confines!
Consistent with Dante's observations, The Third Sphere of Heaven or Venus is the domain of all those whose love for God and mankind has earned them an eternal abode in paradise. In Dante's epic journey, he detailed his experiences across nine heavenly realms—from terrestrial Earth to lunar Moon and from the blazing Sun to Saturn in its orbit. He climbed through Mercury, Venus, and Mars before ascending further into Jupiter, Saturn and the glittering constellations of stars beyond it...and ultimately reaching Premium Mobile at peak!
In the Bible, 2nd Corinthians 12:21
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows.
The Third Heaven is clearly Venus in order counting from the Sun, Mercury, Venus… but are the after-death “Heavens” truly within the same universe we live in now? That is the answer I was looking for, otherwise the empty planets would seem to be a waste of created mass.
With the Goddess “Harmony” being the daughter of the Greek Goddess of Venus, and her musical instrument tuned to the rotation of the planets, a great secret will be revealed. A lot of time passed and I did not hear Crystal and thought contact had ended.
As I was drifting off to sleep in Banff, Canada, during our family Spring Break vacation with Alyra and Astaria on March 23rd, 2023 - 591 days after her death - Crystal's voice rang out loud and clear at 9:30 PM Mountain time. Her voice was the most clear I have ever heard it. For decades, I have been obsessed with numbers, numerology, Greek and Hebrew Gematria, Pythagoras to modern physics! 9:30 was the exact time I heard her voice as I was jolted out of bed and marked the time. 9 goes into 30: 1 to 3.33333333333 times. That is an astounding ratio!
August 9th, 2021 marked the day she passed away; we had counted 591 days until this momentous occasion. Her voice resonated deeply within the hotel room way above my mind, jolting me awake in a hotel room and sparking the potential of possibility throughout my body. I then devoted myself to working out what was being communicated; first, by discovering the square and cubed root of '591', which seemed insignificant, then dividing it with Pi (3.14159) = (188.12) - nothing noteworthy appeared until I finally uncovered the answer!
It took me quite some time to understand the power of the Golden Ratio (1:1.618). When I finally did, it truly amazed me; I couldn't believe how these numbers manifested in reality! They revealed a world that Pythagoras and Dante had envisioned centuries earlier - one full of life within our solar system's many levels of Heaven!
The Golden Ratio, also known as the divine proportion or golden number, is a magical numerical relationship between numbers that can be expressed as 1.618. This fascinating phenomenon has been associated with Leonardo Fibonacci's mathematical sequence for centuries; in this series of numbers, each successive number equals the sum of its two preceding digits: 0,1,1,2,3... 5/3=1 to 1.6666 - 34/21=1 to 1.619, 1 to 1.618 and so on until you reach an infinite decimal point set at 1.6180339887+.
Crystal spoke my name 591 days after her death, and when I did the math on that number 591/1.6180339887 (Golden Ratio), it worked out exactly to be 365.25 - which is how long each year is in terms of days as given by the Julian calendar with 99.99% accuracy!
If we take 591 divided by the exact Sidereal year of 365.256363004 = the perfection of the Golden Ratio 1.618041627363868 accurate to 99.999% of the fine Golden Ratio of 1.6180339887 – This is so astounding that Crystal could do this from the Other Side of this world to such accuracy!
Nikola Tesla astounded the world with his demonstration of radio waves travelling 1.618 times faster than the speed of light, with an accuracy of 98% and comfortably within the boundaries set by The Golden Ratio. By achieving this momentous faster-than-light transmission, he proved what Crystal had established: that there is a pattern to Time dimensions that follows The Golden Ratio - something so remarkable it was even patented in America!
On May 16th, 1900, Nikola Tesla applied for patent No. 787,412, demonstrating that his transmitter's current traveled across the planet at 292,830 miles per second. In contrast, radio waves moved with the velocity of light.
Tesla's scientific experimentation proved that a harmonious and proportional band of radio waves exists within the interplanetary medium. Various studies have fully confirmed this incredible discovery!
There are 2 ways to increase frequency: one is shorten the wavelength and the other is to increase the speed of light respectively as Tesla demonstrated!
What Tesla demonstrated is that this frequency harmonic Golden Ratio band actually exists in the interplanetary medium of radio waves. This is scientifically proven! It means we could all be living in Golden Ratio Fractal Time dilation that separates our realities. This is a huge subject! In fact, there is a deeper possible reality to Crystal’s message! We do not see anything in instantaneity, but rather in time. We see the sun as it was 8 minutes and 21 seconds ago. We see Venus 3 minutes and 46 seconds ago. We see the moon 0.65 seconds ago. What we see in front of our face, like a butterfly flapping its wings 1 foot in front of us, happened 1 billionth of a second ago. That means, everything we see is not in reality, but trapped in time! Think about what that means if we alter the speed of light like Tesla did. It means you see a different Time based reality! Now, back to our reality!
Applying the Golden Ratio of 1.6180339887 to the Earth 365.25 days per year yields 225.74 days, precisely how many days it takes Venus to orbit the sun in one Venusian year (99.67% accuracy). It takes Venus 225 earth days to complete one rotation around the sun, so there is a tiny difference or tolerance. It's truly remarkable that my wife first called out my name after 243 days - a number related to Venus and its orbital path around our Sun – and with this calculation, we were brought full circle back once more!
Venus appears to be the place from where God and the Angels observe Earth as Venus is the closest point to earth next to Mars in the solar system. Not only do we have the Greek Goddess of Venus, we have Biblical reference to Venus by Jesus!
In Revelation 22:16, Jesus depicts himself as the "bright and morning star" Venus, renowned for its dazzling luminosity in the early dawn.
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star."
Also, Lucifer or Satan is cast down from the height of the morning star (Venus) in Isaiah 14:12
"How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!
As revealed in Luke 10:18, Satan fell from Heaven to Earth, indicating that God no longer would endure evil at the platform of Venus where He had been seated – the right hand of God.
And he said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
In Revelation 2:27-28, we find that the Morning Star is a Gift from God and an area of glorious spiritual elevation.
He will rule them with an iron scepter and shatter them like pottery—just as I have received authority from My Father. And I will give him the morning star. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.…
Furthermore, we have the confirmation of Dante's experience and Pythagoras' writings that Venus is indeed the "Morning Star."
Intuitively, the early mathematician Pythagoras was one of the first to understand and recognize that both morning stars and evening stars are, in fact, Venus.
The Bible offers further insights into the role of Venus, with Jesus being linked to it as "the bright morning star." This gives us a clue that there could be more significance to Venus than we've previously thought. Moreover, it is right next to Earth and Mars on either side!
Is Crystal trying to tell me that she is living on Venus for the purpose of the proof of the spiritual model Dante and Pythagoras or is she telling me that the Revelation will play out from Venus as the platform where God’s Angels will be launched to Earth from? I am still undecided because all I know is this message takes us to Venus with utmost importance and the Role the golden ratio plays in the Solar System and all life both physical and spiritual!
How does the 591 divided by the Golden Ratio confirm the other planets among the Heavens?
To discover how the Golden Ratio fractal time relationship applies to other planets in our solar system, I compared it against 591 days divided by and multiplied by the Golden Ratio. My findings suggest a correlation between this number and many of these planets' days per year that is more precise than 90%. Amazingly, it was accurate up to 1:1.6180339887! Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the Golden Ratio (Phi), similar to Pi (3.14159…), is an ever-growing and non-concluding formula based on Leonardo Fibonacci's sequence. So there is no 100% accuracy to it. It can range from 1 to 2, 1.5, 1.6180339887, and beyond. It never resolves and is continually expanding as Pi does! If we bear this thought in mind, we will gain an insightful understanding of our final destination after death.
This revelation comes from my late wife, Crystal Sereda - and she is hinting at a formula that involves some of the planets known to us, along with certain boundaries between them! By keeping this knowledge close to heart, the Heavens can be ours forevermore. For instance, the equation expands to include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune with a remarkable accuracy that allows each planet to sit comfortably within its range of the Golden Ratio.
Crystal's death was 591 days ago as to this new experience March 23rd, 2023. When we divide that number by the Golden Ratio four times, 86.223828789774765 days is revealed, corresponding to the 88-day duration of one Mercury year (98% accuracy). This incredible precision illustrates this ratio's power; it ranges from 1 to 1.5 or even greater than 1.6180339887! The Golden Ratio exerts tremendous influence in our universe.
We sent Crystal's musical recording to the planet Mercury (the Messenger, Hermes, Gabriel) on the antenna after she died on her birthday, September 24th, 2021. She would have been 42 years old.
You can see the video of the first transmission on youtube here:
We can musically tune our body-mind to the frequency and octaves of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune at any time using my scaled systems of the frequencies of the Planets. The discovery of the Music of the Spheres was Pythagoras early work on developing music scales. Crystal and I had offered the frequencies of the planets long before she was ever close to death.
From Wikipedia:
The musica universalis (literally universal music), also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon, and planets – as a form of music. The theory, originating in ancient Greece, was a tenet of Pythagoreanism, and was later developed by 16th-century astronomer Johannes Kepler. Kepler did not believe this "music" to be audible, but felt that it could nevertheless be heard by the soul. The idea continued to appeal to scholars until the end of the Renaissance, influencing many schools of thought, including humanism.
So now, I would ascend to the planets beyond Earth by multiplying the base number of 591 by the Golden Ratio. Or, could 591 be Mars, which was Dante’s 5th Level of Heaven, with the Sun being his 4th? Mars has 687 Earth days per year. It seemed far off. The accuracy for the Golden Ratio was 86%, which puts it within the fringe of the Golden Ratio, but I was almost certain Crystal did not mean 591 to be Mars, or is there something about Mars that I am not considering yet? Why was Mars so out of the range? Did something displace it, or is tolerance to the harmony of the spheres allowed?
We will shortly realize 591 is the “Master Code” to the entire solar system. Without it, starting anywhere else, we could never decode the solar system to the harmony of the Golden Ratio!
591 x the Golden Ratio 1.618033988749895 – 2 times = 1547.258087351188146 days. If we compare this to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and the dwarf planet Ceres, which has 1,682 Earth-Days per year, it is 92% accurate to the Golden Ratio. This would mathematically postulate that the asteroid belt was due to a collision that destroyed possible a number of planets between Mars and Jupiter!
591 x the Golden Ratio 1.618033988749895 - 4 times = 4050.774262053565086 days. If we compare this to Jupiter’s 4332.59 Earth-Days per year, it is 93.5% accurate to the Golden Ratio, which is stunning accuracy because it is well within tolerance of the expanded range for the Golden Ratio series of numbers.
Jupiter is the 6th Level of Heaven in Dante's recorded system, as it is the 6th level in this system. It the Greek/Roman, Jupiter/Zeus is the King of the Gods!
591 x 1.618033988749895 - 6 times = 10605.064698809508812 days. If we compare this to Saturn’s 10756 Earth-days to orbit the sun, we are 98.6% accurate to the Golden Ratio still. This indicates that 98.6% remains consistent with the Golden Ratio criteria!
Saturn is the 7th Level of Heaven in Dante's recorded system, and Cronos, Saturn in the Greek/Roman system! This again is stunning!
591 x 1.618033988749895 - 8 times = 27764.419834374965799 days. If we compare this to the Planet Uranus’ 30,687 days per Earth-year, we are 90.47% accurate in harmony with the Golden Ratio!
Uranus is not in Dante’s system. At the 8th, he goes to the star constellations! Uranus, in the Greek mythology, is the personification of Heaven, Son and Husband of GAIA, Earth.
591 x 1.618033988749895 – 10 times = 72688.194804315400233 days. If we compare this to the Planet Neptune’s 60,190 days, Neptune 82.8% accurate to the Golden Ratio, still within tolerance. This would put Neptune in the range of accuracy similar to Mars, if Mars was indeed 591.
In the Greek mythology, Neptune is Zeus’ brother, Son of Cronos and Rea!
591 x 1.618033988749895 - 110 times = 117611.969774255840492. If we compare this to Pluto’s 90582 Days, Pluto is only 77% accurate, and falls way out of line with the Golden Ratio model. It is no longer believed to be a planet and must be a remnant of the massive collision that caused the asteroid belt to appear and the damage to the perfection of the Original Harmony of the solar system!
This indicates that we have received a transmission from beyond the grave, providing evidence of Life after Death in our very own universe. Furthermore, the Golden Ratio Fractal Time Dimension contains an equation that explains how and why this occurs, furthering our understanding of life on other planets within our solar system!
The question remains if tolerance to the harmony of the perfection of the Golden Ratio is intentional, or was there a “war in the Heavens” as many great myths contend, such as the war of the Titans and the Olympians?
The final confirmation of Venus appeared:
The majestic planet Venus takes 225 days to complete one lap around the sun, and when compared to Earth's 365.25-day year period, it yields a ratio of 1:1.623 - firmly in line with the Golden Ratio range for ultimate perfection! Suppose we multiply by 365.25 and 1.623, respectively. That results in 593, amazingly 99.66% accurate to the point to my wife speaking from beyond after precisely 591 days since her passing - proving she is likely residing on the Spiritual Plane of Venus now! This occurrence can't be due to Mars' 687-day orbit cycle, which Dante labeled his 5th Sphere of Heavens, unless there is something I am missing still.
As Pythagoras realized, we are all spiritual beings inhabiting the many planets in our system. My wife's presence and connection serve as continued evidence for this truth to me. Additionally, it reminds us that so much awaits us at the end of our earthly journey!
If I divide the Earth year again by the Golden Ratio 1.6180339887 = 225.74 Days, which is the number of Earth days it takes Venus to orbit the sun in 1 Venus year (225 days) accurate to 99.67%. The Fact that my wife started by calling my name with the number of days for Venus to experience a day (243) and we come back to Venus with the Golden Ratio experience again is utterly remarkable.
So even though we have Dante’s experience, we also have Pythagoras’ confirmation on Venus being the “Morning Star”
The early mathematician Pythagoras was one of the first to recognize that the morning and evening stars were actually the same object: Venus.
We also have Biblical accounts of the role of Venus that surpass what Dante describes! Jesus clearly has a platform in the Spirit on Venus, “the bright morning star.” That gives Venus more importance than we can imagine. It is also right next to Earth as is Mars on either side!
We sent Crystal’s musical recording to the planet Mercury (the Messenger) on the antenna after she died on her birthday, September 24th, 2021 she would have been 42 year old.
What all of this means is that we have contact from a deceased person who gave humanity the formula of Golden Ratio Fractal Time Dimension “Evidence” that Life after Death occurs in the very same universe we live in, ever expanding our lives on the known planets of our solar system!
Pythagoras also experienced that we live as spiritual beings on the known planets within our system. I believe for myself anyway that my wife's experience with me makes me believe this is true. We have so much to look forward to on our journey after death on Earth!
This testimony came in from George Shields, after hearing me on a podcast about this experience. If we take his two dates, the time lapsed after his Mother’s death and the time he heard her voice was 592 days x 2, so that is exactly 2 Venus to Earth Years. 592 to 593 is 99.83% accurate to an earth to Venus year. Here is what George Shields attested to me:
George Shields, an electrical engineer, aged 65, from Ontario, Canada, Hi David hopefully you see this message. When watching the last Lazarus and you explained the calculations re timing with your wife's voice, I was amazed so I heard my Mother Phyllis Shields, voice answer a question I was asking during meditation to the universe, “how do I connect” and my deceased Mother was crystal clear and audible, “George, you are already connected.” She passed Dec 21st 2019 and I heard her voice March 20th 2023. If I did the math right the way you explained it then this is exactly 2 Venus to Earth years. Just amazing to say the least!
March 20th was also Spring Equinox for Canada this year of 2023.
The story gets deeper on the night of March 30, 2023. I wrote our family friend Stephen Cipes, who is the owner of Summerhill winery in Kelowna, BC where organic/biodynamic wines are aged in a huge pyramid that models the Great Pyramid’s math to a high degree of accuracy. Stephen understood all of this as he read my experience with great enthusiasm. He came with his wife, Ria Cipes and daughter Esther Cipes to our family right away after Crystal died and stayed with us to comfort our family for several days.
Stephen and family came to Nelson, BC to visit us on March 30th, 2023 and invited us to dinner at 6:00 PM. After diner, he invited myself, my two daughters Alyra and Astaria and Crystal’s Mom Ashley to his room with family. We stepped out onto his balcony and to our astonishment, Venus was shining brighter than I had ever seen in in my lifetime. It hovered right above the cliff where my wife Crystal died in the darkness. We were all in awe on how the weather, timing and location of this event manifested for all of us. I also noticed the star system Pleiades was just above Venus. I took photos and video of this to confirm.
It turns out, there is a great alignment of 5 planets going on right at this time noted by the press and astronomers. Could this all be a coincidence or a great Co-Incidence?
New Insight about Mars and the Great War in Heaven after being on Richard C. Hoagland’s show April 9, 2023 (Easter 2023) and the ‘War in Heaven.”
From NASA: On Feb. 7, 2021, Mars passes solar longitude 0 as the Sun crosses the equator on Mars. This is the vernal equinox, and was chosen by planetary scientists as the start of a new year (a Mars year is 687 Earth days).
591 is to 687 in the Golden Ratio 86% accurate - which means whatever caused the huge gash on Mars knocked it out 14% of its original orbit, which would have been prior to the gash that sucked out its entire atmosphere and everyone living on it - this is the War.
That would mean my first message from Crystal was Venus as per 243 days per Venus Year as of April 9, 2022 when I heard her voice - and that I did this show with Richard C. Hoagland last night April 9, 2023 (Easter 2023) - Easter in 2022 Was April 17 -
The new message from Crystal is Venus to Earth to Mars (original position) at 591 earth days per year.
Mars is Dante's 5th Level of Heaven !
I also realized that Venus is slightly out of its original alignment to the Golden Ratio so the “War in Heaven” knocked all of the planets out of alignment to the perfect harmonic of the Golden Ratio – some more and some planets less. The math proves it:
591 days (The Original position of Mars) divided by 1.618033988749895 (accurate to the 300th Fibonacci Sequence) comes to 365.258087351187821 Sidereal Earth days per year. NASA shows 365.256363004 Sidereal days per earth year. This means the original Mars position to Earth is accurate to 99.999%
Now we divide the to 365.258087351187821 sidereal Earth days per year by the Golden Ratio again 1.618033988749895 = 225.741912648812102 Venus-Earth days per year accurate to 99.67% (Venus is out 0.33%) because Venus has 225 Earth days per year.
Now we divide 225.741912648812102 Venus Earth days per year by the Golden Ratio 1.618033988749895 = Our missing Planet is supposed to be at 139.516174702375671 Earth Days per year. We need to check what the War in Heaven did to this sphere!
Now we take the 139.516174702375671 Earth Days per year for the missing planet divided by the Golden Ratio 1.618033988749895 = Mercury at 86.225737946436402 Earth days per year accurate to 97.98% (Mercury is out 2.2%) from the War in Heaven!
What the War in Heaven did by disturbing the vibrations between the planets and taking them from a perfect harmony to an out of phase vibration had an immense impact on the human consciousness!
This would explain as we continue the Golden Ratio Sequence from 591 to the outer planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune why they are slightly out of phase with the Golden Ratio, but still within “tolerance”!
The Babylonian myth, the “Enuma Elis” involved an incoming planetary body that destroyed a planet between Mars and Jupiter and created other havoc among the spheres in the solar system as well as the asteroid belt. Could this explain the lack of total perfection, but still tolerance?
There is so much astronomers do not know about what happened in this solar system!
I found out last night, April 11, 2023, when I made an online purchase, my credit card security code is
591 - I got this new card and number months after Crystal died because our daughter Alyra Sereda lost my old one. Now what are the odds? This is a physical manifestation that confirms that afterlife contact with Crystal!
All of this comes from Crystal Sereda’s vision to David Sereda on March 23rd, 2023 (3 days into the Spring Equinox) 591 days after she died, August 9, 2021!
David Sereda
Here is the updated version (10/28/2023) of his ADCs
Was this experience difficult to express in words?
The feeling tones
Did you ONLY sense an awareness of presence of the
deceased without actually seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling them?
Did you hear the deceased or hear something
associated with the deceased?
Describe what you heard, how clearly you heard it and what was
Her voice crystal clear
Did the voice or sound seem to
originate externally or outside of you, inside you, or did you not hear a voice
or sound, but had a sense of knowing what was communicated?
It was coming from above.
I have to use a star mapper to see where it may originate
If you heard a voice or sound, was it similar or dissimilar
from the voice or sound the deceased made when they were alive?
Is there any possibility what you heard was from any other
source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?
Was there any possible impairment to your hearing at the time
of the experience?
Did you feel a touch or experience any physical
contact from the deceased?
On my back
Was the touch familiar or unfamiliar?
Yes very familiar
Was anything communicated by the touch?
Did you see the deceased?
After she died, I saw her the next morning tapping at the window floating 2
stories up. She was wearing what she wore at death.
How clearly did the deceased appear?
How much of the deceased did you see?
Did the deceased appear or not appear to be the age at which
they died?
Yes 42
How healthy did the deceased appear to be?
Is there any possibility what you saw was from any other
source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?
Did you smell a distinct smell, scent, fragrance
or odor associated with the deceased?
How long did the experience last?
Multiple experiences
in the article are posted. I have
had many more than that.
Was the beginning and end of the experience gradual or more sudden?
Could you sense the emotions or mood of the deceased?
Peaceful and light
Did the deceased give you information you did not previously know?
Yes all in the article about the planets and where Heaven really is
How do you currently view the reality of your experience?
Experience was
definitely real
Please explain why you view the reality of your experience as real or not
No other experience on earth is like this
Was the experience dream like in any way?
Describe in detail
your feelings/emotions during the experience:
I meditate every day and have for over 40 years!
I reach real bliss each day in meditation and prayer to Jesus and God
Was there any emotional healing in any way following the experience?
No Response
What was the best and worst part of your experience?
The worst part is loosing my wife.
The best part is that she is still in confirming contact.
Has your life changed specifically as a result of
your experience?
My practice of
meditation is the same. I pray to
Jesus and God and the Apostles. I include the feminine aspect of God.